1) My apologies for being so late in posting today, but some lovely children broke our
Internet this morning. For the second time. In a month.
2) For those of you who couldn't already tell, my title is supposed to be read to the tune of the Wedding March. Which, by the way, I have already decided I don't really want to walk down the aisle to, because it is so overplayed and everyone does that! Like, don't get me wrong, I am ALL FOR Tradition, but the Wedding March will be my only conventional missing piece. And just to prove to my mom that there ARE other songs out there, I looked it up... A Whole New World came up (the Jessica Simpson and Nick
Lachey version! Who both, by the way, tie into weddings and this post very intricately), which is a song I love, but not to process down to. But fear not, there's about a hundred songs (Can't Take my Eyes off of You!), and I found them on this website called Wedding Wire, which of course got me sidetracked for about 20 minutes.
3) I just read this quote in Allure that said "A conversation should be like a mini skirt, short enough to keep your attention but long enough to cover the subject". Well, I'm warning you now, that this blog post will be long and drawn out because I could talk about weddings for days.

So, most of the wedding research I've gotten so far is from Jessica Simpson's wedding book and wedding magazines and those unrealistic shows where the wedding costs half a million dollars (literally). Which admittedly, aren't great or all-encompassing sources. But it's all I have. And I have found some good venues. For instance, my dream photographer would be Joe
Buissink. He has done many celebrity weddings (Nick and Jessica's, but others too) and I went on his site, and I could not find a.single.picture. that I didn't love.
NOT A SINGLE ONE! I really don't know how to stress what a good photographer he is. Go to his site, at the link (NOT A) above. And be prepared to be amazed! And I'm also passionate about this because to me, I think the photographer and the cake are the two most important elements. This is only my opinion, and others may feel its the dress or the food or the guest book. I
don't' care. If I had to walk barefoot, have a dress from Target, and pick dandelions off the sidewalk for a bouquet in order to afford the best of the best photography and cake, then I would. Because the photos capture the memories!

Ok, so the cake, my second most important element. As a disclaimer, you will never see a cake like this at my wedding. Because I detest flowers on the cake (you'll understand in the next paragraph) and would like as little flowers as possible. But. The reason I have this picture is because the cake was made by Perfect Endings (run by Sam Godfrey) in
Napa Valley, and he's like THE wedding cake guy. He did Nick and Jessica's cake (above), and he's done cakes for Oprah, and for me those three pretty much seal the deal. Oh, and the reason I refer to Nick and Jessica so often is because when their Newlyweds show came out, I was hooked. Like
hooookkkeeed. I wanted to be Jessica and marry Nick and live in
Calabasas and jet around to the Bahamas and Mexico and New York and have a
maltipoo and have shopping sessions with my mom and say that's cute fifty million times and annoy all the viewers. Like that was my dream life. So of course their wedding was like my dream wedding and I have all the seasons of Newlyweds on DVD
btw, and we will all just gloss over the fact that they broke up and Jessica is an airhead and their marriage would have never worked out because Nick was always looking at Jessica like she was this annoying five year old.

Lastly, flowers. I for one think flowers are the biggest waste of time and money for any and every wedding, and I for one will be spending as little money as possible on them, because they just die the next day and they hardly smell enough to notice them. And you do not need flowers dripping from every table and ceiling and chair and what not, like why? Hence my aversion to flowers on the cake,
eww. I'd rather have some bows or beads,
polka dots for
gosh sakes, anything but flowers. The
only flowers I have ever seen that I even remotely like are
Calla lilies. They are simple, they come in multiple colors, and they kinda take up a
lotta space so
you don't need a lot. The above picture has the colors all wrong (I am always drawn to the pinks, purples, and whites) but I chose it because a) it's from Mark's Garden (who did, you guessed it! Nick and Jessica's wedding!) and b) I like the simplicity of the design.
$85Ok, I promise. I am done with talking about weddings. At least for a little while. I actually wanted to be a wedding planner earlier in life, until my parents scoffed at me and told me it was only a "seasonal job". Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure couples get married year round (believe it or not!) and also, I believe Mindy Weiss, celeb wedding planner extraordinaire, gets paid more than a lot of people to plan weddings! But
whatevah! And lastly, I'm sorry if I bored you to tears. But as you can see, weddings are something I am passionate about, and I may be preaching to the choir, but hopefully not.