Friday, July 30, 2010

Discoveries in Dieting

This week is the first week of what will probably be close to a year (if not more) of weight loss, exercise, and fitness. So get ready to hear a lot about it on my blog, because as they say, it's a lifestyle change. And when your whole lifestyle has been eating bag after bag of chips and drinking Coke like it gives you life, it's going to be an interesting journey.

Here are some observations that I have made just in the first five days of trying to be a slimmer person. As a writer by nature, I like to write these sort of things down, because you never know what could make great book material later:

  • I like to drink my calories, whether that be in 140 calorie cokes or 230 calorie passion tea lemonades. I just discovered the latter at Starbucks and have no idea what I was doing with my life before that. They are amazing. I have taken to ordering venti teas with light ice so I can get more liquid. 
  • I prefer salty over sweet, unless I have the option of salty sweet. I have never much been one for cake, cookies, or ice cream. I can go for the occasional chocolate fix. But what I'm really after is that bag of Lays potato chips, beef jerkey, or bacon. The only thing that can top that is maybe peanut butter pocket pretzels. 
  • Speaking of my favorite pbpp from above, in this short journey I have realized you don't need to eat the whole bag in one sitting. I know, shocking realization right? Sometimes, it may feel better, but it's not. Instead, just eat 2 or 4. Or at the most, 11 at a time, which is the recommended serving. But since I am neurotic in an almost Jeff Lewis sort of fashion, I cannot eat them in odd increments. So I'll eat 10 (less calories!) or eat two servings for breakfast (22 pretzels).
  • I have no upper arm strength. The second day I went to the gym, I realized I needed to start doing arm machines, instead of just the elliptical and bike, or I'd have slimmed down and slightly muscled legs but string bean arms. I went to a machine and it was set to 50... I shortly realized I had to put it at 10 pound weights so I could do 3 sets of 10. Mind you, the gym I attend has an average attendance age of 55. I clearly need to do some more training to get on their level.
  • With weight loss and an active lifestyle, there comes an increased sense of nausea. I began to realize this the second day, when I was driving back from the gym. I drove by roadkill, and I could not even tell you what it was, because it's head had been cut clean off. I made a gagging noise (Courtney and Tara are familiar with it), but instead of just the noise, some bile started rising in my throat (sorry for the graphic details, but this is going to be a true and accurate report of things!). Normally roadkill does not bother me. Then, as the days started to pass, I would get other random waves of nausea even when I was simply lying down or standing still. My father and I have concluded this is probably on account of me shocking my system and taking in only a normal amount of calories for once.
  • Things that never sounded good to me before now sound super delectable, like double chocolate chunk cookies, an entire tub of cream cheese frosting, or seven grilled cheeses.
  • Eat more in the morning and eat less in the evening. Don't for example, eat a 150 calorie breakfast, then be like "oh well, I guess I can eat 800 calories for dinner now!" You'll just end up overeating that day, like I did. And end up with a fat headache, which does not help your already nauseated state.
  • You might have to break up with cheese. That night I overate? Half the reason was I decided to put cheese on my two tacos. Not much, just two pinches on each one. I go to my new bff calorie king, and come to find out half a cup of cheddar is 225 calories! I'm just sayin' some foods for me are just not worth it, and I never liked cheese that much. Well, perhaps I do, but you come to find what your calories are worth (more about that later).
  • In general, there are just certain foods you may have to cut out completely. For me, that would be Hot Cheetos. Last night, my father, brother, and I went to Safeway and I walked in just so I could drool at all the food (more about that later too). I saw Hot Cheetos and I realized I wanted em reeaaal bad. But before I could pick them up I just walked on by, because I know a bad idea when I see it. Between the sodium, the calories, and the fat content I may as well say goodbye to eating the day after.  And to think I used to eat those daily! I will probably cave one day in the future, and regret it afterwards, but I'm staying strong for now.
  • Other foods just don't seem worth it. For me, that's fried food. Like you know you've been starving yourself all day practically, and then you put what is essentially an oil soaked retainer in your mouth, and you think to yourself, "something's not right". 
  • I have realized, however, I cannot completely let go of Coke. I am reassured by the fact that I once read what Carmen Electra eats daily in US Weekly, and she said she couldn't let go of Coke either and couldn't stand diet, so she just drinks one a day. Taking a leaf out of her book, I have one a day now instead of like seven (ok, I'm exaggerating slightly, but on a bad day I could have up to four cans, and that can't be good in the sugar or calorie department), and I have it in the middle of the day instead of the morning (weird) or in the evening (harder to work off).
  • Writing it down seems to help. I don't mean these witty observations, but what you eat, and when you exercise. For one thing, it makes you more aware, because some days I am proud of whats there and some days there are entries that say, "Chinese pancake - too many cal" both because I have no clue how many calories that was and because regardless there probably were better options on the menu. So I keep my trusty Moleskine by my side and write everything down.
  • You can't watch TV or look at magazines without drooling. The first night of my diet I watched new episodes of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory and Real Housewives of New Jersey. FF was all about making the most expensive grilled cheese, and I spent 30 minutes waxing poetic about the bread-butter-cheese combination. Then on RHONJ Teresa and Joe eat a huge steak and huge baked potato for dinner and I wanted to jump through the screen, devour both their dinners in 10 seconds, wipe my mouth on the tablecloth, and peace out homies.
  • It's terrifying going out to eat. It's one thing where you can control your calories at home, eat that Smart Ones that has the calories on the front or that hundred calorie pack of almonds. But when you go out, there is slightly less control. You either faced with a separate calorie menu, sweating to try and find something that will fit into the amount of calories you have left to eat, or even worse, there is no caloric content and you're left guessing. 
  • When you start exercising, you start wanting to eat better so you don't waste it. You think you didn't spend 30 minutes on the elliptical for nothing, so instead of wasting 300 calories on that donut that will be eaten in 30 seconds, you save it for something else. 
  • It's nice that after only a few days, your pants start to fit better. They're not quite falling off your butt, yet!, but there is much less of a struggle to get them buttoned. It's nice having a slightly smaller, but not completely gone, muffin top. Oh yeah people, we ALL know what a muffin top is, and I told ya I'd be honest!
  • I look forward to new clothes shopping now, but I also know once that begins in earnest, it could get annoying getting new clothes every time the old ones don't fit. I know of one girl who, as she got serious about diet and exercise, went from a size 16 pants to size 14, and eventually a size 12 that was a little loose. I have 4 pairs of jeans right now. If I lose serious weight I don't want to replace all 4 pairs until I reach my goal weight, but that also means I don't want to only wear one pair of jeans until that time.
  • Even if you can't stick to a specific calorie intake, you know enough to make conscious, healthy decisions. Like even if you are eating breaded chicken and pasta, eat 2 instead of 4 chickens and a smaller portion of pasta if it's not whole wheat.
  • For me, a day feels like a lifetime. Because I keep waiting for myself to mess up, not exercise enough or eat too much. But you can't mess up when you're asleep.
  • THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT DAY. This has been by far the hardest thing for me to learn. Day 2 (sidenote tangent: This is the day you go crazy. Your muscles hurt the most out of every other day. You start to wonder how many calories are in toothpaste and gum -but then you let it go, your nausea starts, and resolve may crumble a little before being built back up) I was upset because I had not been able to do everything. Unlike Day 1, where everything went swimmingly, Day 2 I forgot to take my green tea supplements 1/3 times, I went to the gym but didn't go to the track (at the time I thought I'd go to the gym and the track every day, until I realized I'd only go to the one or the other), and I ate 200 calories over my suggested intake. But as I told my friend Janet, I have to remember two things: The fact that I am at least trying this much is a vast improvement over the last 20 years of my life, and I can't have a perfect day every day.
Sorry this is such a long, word filled post, and sorry about the shortage of photo filled posts lately. I'll aim for that next.

I know many of you readers have either grappled with a attaining a healthier lifestyle before or may be now, so any advice you can offer will be well received!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Top 6 Driving Songs Of The Moment! (And a Bonus Round)

In no particular order...

1. Ridin' Solo - Jason DeRulo
This song is that one song that has me singing at the top of my lungs, not caring if any body sees me. First of all I love Jason DeRulo, second of all as much as I love him, I cannot help almost make fun of the way he says solo, it's so drawn out it's like SOOLOAAOOO. It's very hard to explain via blog unless you have heard the song. Trust me, I just love it.

2. Every Day - Buddy Holly
I had happened on this random music website via another favorite website of mine Sh*t My Dad Says (check it out, muy funny), and Justin Halpert (the author of above website and similarly named book) had made a playlist of his dad's favorite songs, and that was one of them. Justin also mentioned something like whenever this song comes on his 70 year old father always reminds him that Buddy Holly had done some inappropriate things with his cousin (not sure if that is true). It does however, remind me of my own father, how he quizzes me on songs and who sings them then shares his own memory/story that goes with the song. ANYWAYS, I like this song and like listening to it because it is easy and breezy (not unlike a cover girl) and is very appropriate for summer. And aside from all the weird anecdotal stuff I just told you, this song also reminds me of my maternal grandfather, so it's a win win.

3. Summertime - The Jamies
I had a hard time finding this song so I could download it, but I'm glad I did. It's that song that goes "Summertime summertime sum sum summertime summmertime summertime sum sum summertime summertiiiiiime" etc. This is also a hard song to explain unless you've heard it before, but I love it. The lyrics are kind of heard to decipher but I know the first line is like "close those books and throw em away..." and then the song just takes off!

4. This Is How We Do It - Straight No Chaser
This is a remake by an accapella band I discovered one night on a PBS special. I have underestimated the power of just voices and no instruments in a song until I heard this group. Eight attractive and melodic men singing some of my favorite songs (Africa by Toto, 12 Days of Christmas, My Girl, etc.). This is my all time favorite. I once listened to it on repeat for 30 minutes on my way to work. It too is very appropriate for the summer.

5. Opposite of Adults - Chiddy Bang
I found this little gem the way I find most of my music, on Kiss FM. It's very fun and fits perfectly on my Pump Pump Pump It Up Playlist.

6. The Choice is Yours -  Black Sheep
Mmm so you know that commercial for the Kia Soul? The one with the cute hamsters or gerbils or whatever and the "you can get with this or you can get with that?" song? Well, silly me, I thought that was a Kia original. And a darn cute commercial. Then one day I'm listening to Kube's (the local rap station) old school lunch hour, and they play a full length version of the Kia Soul song! Come to find out it's a rap song called The Choice is Yours and it's delightfully catchy.

Bonus Round
A Little Bit Wicked - Kristen Chenowith
When I am not listening to the above songs on my ipod, I love listening to books on CD, which I download onto my ipod. I have to be in the mood to listen to an audio book, but once I start one, I listen obsessively to it (in the car, at home, before work, etc.) until I finish it. I recently finished Big Boned by Meg Cabot and loved it. I started Sherman Alexie's book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian then gave it up and decided it would be better read in book form (some books are so like that!), and now I am on A Little Bit Wicked by Kristen Chenowith (she played Galinda the Good Witch in Wicked as well as other roles in Pushing Daisies and Glee to name a few). I actually had picked the book form up a year ago or so, then discarded it because it got to be a little too slow. But having tried her audiobook, I absolutely love it (I may or may not have almost cried four times hearing about her miracle adoption and death of her grandfather). The best part about this book is that Kristen herself reads it, and being the spectacular actress she is with a wonderful voice inflection (not monotone, which was my problem I think with Sherman Alexie reading his, he's a fantastic writer but hard to listen to when reading), it's hard not to like what you hear. She is the first author I have heard reading her own book who giggles at parts, or sings other parts, or sounds super sarcastic at other parts. That true to life reading makes it all the more worthwhile.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

"Feel It", "Woman", and "Mantaray"

I'd never really been into making my own playlists before, but then I found this habit of playing the same like eight songs in a row on repeat, at which point I discovered the merit in making my own playlists. Unlike any playlist that has rhyme, reason, or purpose... a workout playlist (helpful if I actually worked out) or a Christmas playlist, mine are just ones that feel right to me.

Feel It
This is the first playlist I made (recently), and they all usually start with one inspiring song. This one was more a link between a bunch of songs I liked that all have interesting beginnings and have a semi-R&B feeling. That's all my playlists have in common, a link between the songs.

Come Back to Me Vanessa Hudgens
Body Language (feat. T-Pain) Jesse McCartney
In the Ayer (feat. Flo Rida
Line Dance Dance Marathon 2010
I Can Transform Ya (feat. Lil Wayne & Swizz Beatz) Chris Brown
Jane Fonda Mickey Avalon
Oh Yeah Jaicko
What Do You Say? (feat. Dirt Nasty, Andre Legacy & Cisco Adler) Mickey Avalon
Can't Tell Me Nothing Kanye West
Ching-A-Ling Missy Elliott
I Am Not My Hair (Featuring Pink) India.Arie featuring P!nk
The Waitress Tech N9ne
My Bubble Gum Rasheeda 
They Wanna Know (feat. Ghostface &a Saigon) Nate Dogg

This one is more about empowerment, and the fact that I had to have Baby Mama on a playlist.

Diva Beyoncé 
Ego Beyoncé  
Baby Mama Fantasia 
Whatcha Say Jason DeRulo  
Go DJ Lil Wayne  
LOL :-) (feat. Gucci Mane & Soulja Boy Tell 'Em) Trey Songz  
That's How I Go Baby Bash featuring Lil Jon & Mario  
United State of Pop 2009 (Blame It on the Pop) DJ Earworm  
Always Be My Baby Mariah Carey 
Independent Lil Boosie & Webbie  
BedRock Young Money & Lloyd  
In My Head Jason Derülo 
Say Aah (feat. Fabolous) Trey Songz 
Live Your Life (feat. Rihanna) T.I.  
What Would You Do

I made this playlist because my first two were so rap-laden. This one has more pop rock and pop.
Hello Seattle Owl City  
Girl All The Bad Guys Want Bowling For Soup 
Maybe Kevin Hammond  
Poker Face Daughtry  
Don't Stop Believin' Journey  
The Sound of Settling Death Cab for Cutie  
Use Somebody Kings of Leon  
5:19 Matt Wertz  
Rock & Roll Eric Hutchinson  
You and I Ingrid Michaelson  
Nightminds Missy Higgins  
Heartbreak World Matt Nathanson  
5 Years Time Noah and the Whale  
One Time (My Heart Edition) Justin Bieber  
According to You Orianthi  
Weightless All Time Low 
Handlebars Flobots  
I'm Awesome Spose  
Boy Meets Girl Evan Taubenfeld

Get It Girl
This one is for all those kinda weird songs.
Alejandro Lady GaGa  
Shots LMFAO & Lil Jon 
Fashionista Jimmy James  
You're a Jerk New Boyz  
Potential Breakup Song Aly and AJ  
Boys in da' hood  
Low Rider Jeans Brooke Hogan

Oh Baby
This is one of my favorite playlists. It started as a whole bunch of random songs in one playlist, and then it turned itnto my shower playlist.
Leavin' Jesse McCartney  
Pop N'Sync  
Right Thurr Chingy  
A Bay Bay Hurricane Chris  
It's Goin' Down (Featuring Nitti) Yung Joc featuring Nitti
Holidae In Chingy Ft/ Luda and Snoop Dogg

This one actually has a more literal purpose, and its all songs that remind me of the south, or that I would play in the south.

She's Country Jason Aldean 
Feel That Fire Dierks Bentley  
She Tried Bubba Sparxxx  
Jimmy Mathis Bubba Sparxxx  
Deliverance Bubba Sparxxx  
Like a Rolling Stone Bob Dylan  
Ohio Bowling For Soup  
Mayberry Rascal Flatts  
Don't Stop Believin' Journey  
Jesse's Girl Rick Springfield  
Mississippi Girl Faith Hill  
Here's to You Rascal Flatts  
I Wanna Talk About Me Toby Keith 
I've Been Everywhere Johnny Cash  
Chicken Fried Zac Brown Band  
All Summer Long (Radio Version) Hit Masters  
Summer Girl Jessica Andrews  
Summer Nights Rascal Flatts

These are all the songs I play when I'm angry. I've only played it once since making it.
Nobody Skindred  
Every Man Has A Molly Say Anything
Stab My Back The All-American Rejects  
I'm Not OK My Chemical Romance  
Beating Heart Baby Head Automatica  
Do You Know (Knife In Your Back) Kill Radio 
Not Ready to Make Nice Dixie Chicks  
The Game Motorhead

For playing during the summer. Or when I want it to be summer. Also a more literal playlist.

Summer Love Justin Timberlake 
Summer Nights Rascal Flatts  
Summer Girl Jessica Andrews  
Summertime New Kids on the Block  
Summer In the City The Lovin' Spoonful  
All Summer Long (Radio Version) Hit Masters  
Summer Girls LFO 
Summer Nights Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta  
Leavin' Jesse McCartney 
Mayberry Rascal Flatts  
These Days Rascal Flatts  
California Gurls Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg  
She's Country Jason Aldean 
Chicken Fried Zac Brown Band  
Summertime Will Smith


I wanted to listen to Macklemore's song And We Danced, so I chose songs to go with it.

And We Danced Macklemore  
I Love College Asher Roth
Bad Man Missy Elliott  
The Dude Beenie Man (Featuring Ms. Thing)  
Get Ur Freak On Missy Elliott  
As I Em Asher Roth & Chester French  
Where'd You Go (feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga) Fort Minor  
My Band D12

Pump Pump Pump It Up
For getting ready to go on an adventure.

Got Money Lil Wayne &T-Pain  
Every Girl Young Money  
Opposite Of Adults Chiddy Bang  
How Low Can You Go Ludacris ft Shawnna  
In the Ayer (feat. Flo Rida  
A Milli Lil Wayne  
Over Drake 
Say Aah (feat. Fabolous) Trey Songz  
What Do You Say? (feat. Dirt Nasty, Andre Legacy & Cisco Adler) Mickey Avalon  
Whatcha Say Jason DeRulo  
Can't Tell Me Nothing Kanye West  
In My Head Jason Derülo  
BedRock Young Money & Lloyd  
Ridin' Solo Jason Derulo 
Rock That Body Black Eyed Peas  
I Can Transform Ya (feat. Lil Wayne &; Swizz Beatz) Chris Brown  
Jane Fonda Mickey Avalon 
Line Dance Dance Marathon 2010  
My Bubble Gum Rasheeda