Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pretty Woman, Give me Your Smile

The Playlist

I don't know if anyone else is having this feeling, but where has this year gone y'all?! I swear it was just March, and here it is practically October tomorrow and November is right around the corner, then December! I looked at the calendar Thursday, and was stunned (simply stunned!) that it was exactly one month until the 2012 Puget Sound Heart and Stroke Walk! I am super excited, and hope you will all keep me and the LAP Team in your thoughts and prayers come October 20th!

CD :)

So I have a favor to ask all of you, my lovelies! As part of a fundraising idea, I have made a playlist of 20 songs that are dedicated/about/remind me of my grandpa. I turned this into a mix cd and have also composed an accompanying list of the songs - about half of the songs include memories of my grandpa that link to them, plus each song has a quote pulled from it that I feel applies to the mix CD theme.

I have 5 of these combos available, and my idea is to exchange these for Heart Walk Donations. I would love a minimum $5 donation per mix CD + list, but really anything helps. Anything. So please give whatever you can, even if it's a dolla! 100% of the proceeds will go to the American Heart Association and the walk. I will mail these to whoever is interested in getting one, or drop it off with you if that is possible. This goes to a really great cause and I thank everyone who has supported me and the LAP Team so far! We could not do it without you!

The first five people to comment on this blog post expressing they would like a CD get priority, and I will take requests via text or facebook, but blog post comments get first pick and priority! Due to iTune playlist burning rules, I only have 5 copies. I can take donations for these in person, via snail mail, or pay pal!

If the songs on the playlist are a determining factor, I would be more than happy to email you the songs.

If you would like to visit my Heart Walk page, click here!

If you would like to visit the LAP Team page, click here!

And again, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for all your support with the LAP Team, and with my life in general :)


Anonymous Not Not Yo Dad said...

You can count me in.

5:18 AM  
Blogger Amber Strehle said...

Me me!! Send me your pay pal info! What a fun idea:)

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aunt Cissy is in, too! Work out details later- great idea!

10:29 AM  

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