Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Silver Surprise

This past Saturday I filmed the gifting of my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. Oh that's right, my parents have been married 25 years! Those crazy kids! Here is a radient picture of the big day.

The above picture is my parents on their honeymoon, being serenaded by Bob Hope.

I delivered my special gift in the form of a treasure hunt, an idea that I got from celebrating Christmas at my Oma's house. Every year we had a treasure hunt to find one of our gifts that wound through the house, with clues telling us where to go. But my treasure hunt was a timeline, taking them through their life.

The 2nd clue led us to to kitchen, where I talked about all the times we have gotten together with our family and eaten. Which has to constitute for about ninety percent of my life =)

Close up of one of the pictures on the fridge. (You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them).

Next were the fun years, before kids. When everyone was younger, skinnier, and happier haha!

Close up of my parents pre-kids.

Next I reminded them of one of their two proudest accomplishments, hopefully you can read the text of what I wrote about myself, since it's cute (but long!).

Baby me. If you look close enough I have no pants on but am wearing my mom's shoes.

The last memory on the trail was Andrew, the newest addition to our family history.
I LOVE this picture of Andrew and my mom, they both look so relaxed. It's Christmas morning.

The treasure hunt ended in the customary way, with treasure! I hid the above stuffed wolf in our living room, and had my parents guess where we were going. The ribbon gave it away, so it did not take them long to figure out we were going to Great Wolf Lodge! (click through to the link for awesomeness). We can stay one night, and enjoy the attached water park (and possibly spa services!). You see I felt sort of lame sauce not guaranteeing some sort of celebration for the grand old 25th, so a vacation seemed like a good solution!

Click above to see my parents actually do the treasure hunt. Ignore the kinda bad camera work.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do You Ever Just People Watch?

A couple of weeks ago, I was reading Real Simple magazine (one of my favorites) and there was a photo  a photographer had snapped of a crowd watching fireworks on the 4th of July. He said this event is a great time to people watch, since everyone is busy watching what is above them. Then it occurred to me that I don't people watch very often.

For one thing, this would require me to have free time. And when free time comes along, I usually like to use it for one of three things: watching really bad reality tv, perusing the internets (these days it's usually for recipes I want to try or catching (katching?) up on the Kardashians), or sleeping. To just sit and observe does not hold a lot of allure for me.

Don't get me wrong, I sit and zone out all the time (stand and zone out sometimes), but that involves me getting lost in my own head, not looking around at others.

I'm also a really nosy person (let's be real) so I can eaves drop from time to time, but that is about the extent of it.

But all this really got me thinking: Do you people watch? If so, where and why?

Friday, August 19, 2011

You Always Fall Off the Wagon! Then You EAT the Wagon! (Get ready for a long and honest post people!)

Ahh King of Queens, you are my third favorite show to watch over and over, after Golden Girls and Psych, and I have to say (regrettably, I suppose) I sometimes line right up with Kevin James' character Doug in the weight loss department.

He spends the nine seasons mostly as a "big man" with times where he is able to stick to a diet and shed a few pounds. In Season 7, Episode 3 (which is apparently impossible to find on youtube, so just imagine with me, even though Carrie, Doug's wife played by Leah Remini, is much funnier) Doug is over eating all the time, which makes Carrie mad, and they realize they both have a problem. But before this can occur, Carrie says, "You always fall off the wagon! And then you eat the wagon!"

Now I wouldn't say I have fallen off the wagon per se, but I did try a new diet, which I found out I was terrible at following. Because I translated no carbs and sugar into starving myself, which led to me over eating later, and ruining the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, it's a great diet, you get fast and fabulous results, and it teaches really great habits like drinking more water and eating fruit before 2pm, and lessening your carb intake. But it just felt like I had used up the last of my will power reserve.

That inability to dig deep coincided with a certain monthly occurrence (bet you readers didn't imagine signing up for this! But this weight loss thing makes me really open, as if I wasn't already), so I took that and ran with it and decided to tell everyone I was going to eat whatever I wanted this week, Monday through Sunday, and renew my resolve Monday. Of course, I had no problem with the eating whatever I want part.

Then last night, I tried on a skirt that I had not fit since the 8th grade, but I kept it because it was from a store I loved and had many memories attached to it, and lo and behold, it fit! I was astonished! Despite having gained three pounds this week from my bender, I reminded myself that there were still other clothes in my closet that I wanted to fit, and that desire over rides my inclination to eat everything in sight.

The other thing I reminded myself is that I don't need to kill myself over the three pounds, because even with that I am still only three pounds heavier than the smallest I have been since high school, and that is still an accomplishment.

I guess the point  of this post is that renewing my resolve is important and necessary, and that it's so easy to do. For instance, another thing I like to do is read success stories on my fitness pal.

The other point is that I apologize for a) such a long post, and b) constantly blogging about weight loss when I could be talking about more important things like the Kardashians and cakes and the Food Network and Kenya (more on that later, I Promise), but those of you who know me well know that I process best when writing everything down.

Lastly, I cannot end this post without thanking those who help me on a daily basis... Like my parents, even if my dad openly judges me when I eat a lemon cookie. Or my dear friends who are all journeying with me on this path (and sometimes struggle) to improve our health. And the friends I text who think I am crazy when I sniff bread and even if I am they don't make me feel bad (they know who they are =).

I promised Abeni a full body shot next time but they are kind of hard to finangle on a Macbook so for now this will have to do until there is a photographer around. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

His Pledge to Her.

i will kill the spiders. i will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. i won’t ever pop my collar. i will never be rude to your tummy- when i hear it growl and gurgle, i promise to bend down and reply respectfully. i will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. i will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. i’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. i will be the big spoon. i will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times i will not. i will send you random txts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever i want to. whenever i think you need one. or seven. i will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. i will hold your hand. i will love you. i will love you. i will love you." (unknown author, I just found this on the internet).

I have been thinking a lot about relationships, and marriages lately (it’s my parents’ 25th wedding anniversary next week, holla! More on that later). And I don’t know what the secret is yet, but sometimes I think it’s just nice to have someone hold your hand.

DISCLAIMER: I am not in a relationship. Pfft, I wish. I am just a hopeless romantic. End scene.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Life is Too Short For Boring Nails

This all started because of an 11 year old. And not the one you're thinking. I was at a Confirmation meeting in March, with the little girl I was sponsoring, one I also used to babysit. She turned to me and asked, "did you do your nails yourself?". I had been on a do it yourself, it's nicer for your budget anyways kick, and replied, "yes". "Oh, that's why there is some on your skin" came the response. Not that eleven year olds run my world, but the fact that: a) I work with my hands and people see them all day while I check receipts, b) I care what I look like, and c) happen to live nine months out of the year across the street from a nail salon that gives me a discount prompted me to get my act together.

Here are my favorites:

I got these done based off of a picture I found off the internet, and I love the design because it is very me, and if it's anything I have discovered about myself is that my cool toned skin (read: pale) looks good in jewel tones. The nail technician added the sparkles all on her own, but that is very me as well.

These are what I fondly referred to as my "ghetto girl" nails. This picture is kind of poor quality, but they are a bright fluorescent pink, with an overlay of two coats of pink glitter sparkles. When I stated they were my ghetto nails, Lyndsie said they were more like Barbie nails, which is more my flow. I got them in honor of Courtney's 21st birthday and they were very fitting and party appropriate. Courtney got gold sparkles, also very appropriate. 

These are the nails that I have gotten the most compliments on. I basically went to my fave ladies at Jolie (they get a lot of mentions on this blog!) and said:
"Have you heard of Katy Perry?"
They hadn't.
"Well, I am going to her concert and I was hoping to get something wild on my nails."
"How about zebra print?"
"Can you make it pink?"
And this is what came out! I don't know how many people actually liked my nails, and how many were just stunned you could get zebra print on your nails. Regardless, these were so fun and I had a blast at the concert.
Other Honorable Mentions:
- I've had baby pink with a purple french tip.
- Hot pink with a white flower- it came from a failed moon manicure but it was gorgeous!
- My current color is Do You Lilac it? By OPI, like the first purple shade in these pictures but matte. I got them in honor of Courtney around the same time she left for London, and it is hands down the color I have gotten the most compliments on as just a single shade, no nail design. It appeals to a lot of people.

Kay y'all, my creativity can only go so far. What nail designs do you recommend?

Friday, August 05, 2011

Big Girl Plates

Yesterday the family and I went outlet shopping, which we do with the same amount of fervor and enthusiasm that outdoorsy families go camping (welcome to the inner sanctum of the van Ingen family). Example: we left at 7:30 am to get there by 9 am when they opened (granted, I also needed to be back by 3 but still). Moving on, I did not think I was going to buy anything because the stores were mostly ho hum and the shoes I liked at Nike were $60, which I promptly threw back on the shelf. 
Then we went to Corelle, which is a bigger thing than I thought. Like it was a vague notion for me that they made plates, but I wasn't quite all the way clued in. To make a long story short, (too late), I ended up buying a 12 piece set of 4 plates, baby plates (?), and bowls. In all white (the other options were grandma flowers and black 80s squares, plus it makes my dad proud to have all white everything). For my very own studio apartment that I will be inhabiting this upcoming school year for six months. Below are the plates by Kate Spade I would have bought if money were no object.
Kate Spade Market Street Four Piece Place Setting, $80
Love the pink. Love the confetti! How whimsical! Plus I love basing a kitchen around the color pink. I was quite put out, however, that 4 dinner plates, 4 accent plates (ah the proper name for baby plates), 4 soup bowls, and 4 mugs cost eighty smackers. Considering my baby set was 17 dolla. You can buy a piece meal set, for maybe one person for cheaper, but come on Kate Spade, these are for eating after all.
Kate Spade St. Kitts Exeter Road Accent Plate, $22
I like this set because it is slightly more adult, though I am unsure if I could ever have this modern of a set. it would have to go with sleek countertops etc., where I see myself more shabby chic (oh heck, watch me grow up and have a totes minimalist house, which is not too far from what my room is now, absolutely no decorations). The major takeaway that I have from this set is that there is such a thing as a pasta bowl. Who knew?

What is your favorite kitchen set? Or are you a disciple of the paper plate?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Ten Pounds can make a difference.

One of the few pictures I will probably post online of me with my glasses. So relish in it while you can. It was just chosen to emphasize the slimmer lower face that I imagine I have. If I have in fact imagined that, then just focus on my dimple, which is on display for all.

Despite this whole weight loss thing being an up and down roller coaster (mostly because I choose to make it one), and despite losing twenty pounds (and not the British kind, though I would like to mention Courtney is in London and I die at every picture, so much excitement) I have hit a plateau for about two weeks. That being said, I did notice some benefits straight from just losing ten pounds, which is nice for people like me who are into instant gratification.

Here is where the uncles, males in general, and anyone who is uncomfortable about bodies should zone out as I tend to overshare. 

  • The shape of my midsection is more hourglass shaped, and less blobbish. It's nice to see curves instead of just one round mass.
  • My bras started to fit looser. While some women worry they are going to lose their chest, after my tummy I am the biggest advocate of getting rid of my mammary glands (which almost sounds naughtier than the b word that rhymes with tubes). Thanks to my mom's side of the family, I am pretty sure, I have always been gifted in this area, but it is really just a nuisance. It's awkward for running and jumping, and shirts are a whole other issue.
  • This  hasn't happened yet, but I can't wait for my feet and fingers to get smaller.
  • As I stated above, the bottom of my face is slimming, even though I'm pretty sure I will never get rid of my huge cheeks, which is sort of a shame.
  • My proudest achievement is that I am beginning to see some sort of a collar bone. I can't recall if I ever had one, and it just disappeared under many a cheeseburger/french fry combo, or I never had one to begin with. Either way, it's coming back with a vengeance!
So what about you peeps? What achievements (big or small) have you accomplished recently? Andrew, for instance, can multiply fractions.