The button where you can add multiple pictures instead of having to do them one at time. I am a dork.
Anyways! Stores! My Favorites!

Ok, so the other day I was thinking about this (and I mean really thinking about it, and this was before I even remembered I was doing a top favorite store post) and I have determined that I could go through life only shopping at Target and Old Navy and be perfectly content and set. Fo reals. Because really? Target has everything. They have all the things I like to buy, like clothes (which have gotten better over the years), jewelry, purses, shoes, books, DVDs, iTunes cards, magazines, food, make-up and office supplies (tell me I did not just mentally go through our local Renton Target and put all my regularly visited sections in the order I visit them. See I told you I visit Target a lot. Or Tarjay as it is frequently heard.) So really, I would never have to shop anywhere else. And they even have stuff I don't need now but may need in the future (whether near or not) like Kitchen Utensils and Kitchen Appliances! Towels! Bedding! Garden Supplies! Exercise Equipment! Camping Supplies! Pet Stuff! Paper Towels and Cleaning Supplies in General! Anything from the Automotive department! It really is like one stop shopping! And their prices are so cheap! OMG, so this lady got paid by this one blogging company to, well.... you'll hear next week, I don't wanna spoil the surprise. But anyhoot. I would so blog about shopping only at Target for a year if someone paid me ( or I might actually even do that for free, which is the sad thing).

So obviously Target is my favorite store, number one. But coming in at a close second is Old Navy. There are days when my
entire outfit is Old Navy (and some days it's entirely Target, see what I mean?). Because, while Target is great for pretty much everything, their clothing section is still a touch limited. So for when I want something different I head to Old Navy. And they fulfill a lot of my needs. They are cheap and fit within my budget. They have my size widely available. And they are trendy, which for me, is a good thing. And everything comes in a wide variety of colors. And did I mention cheap? Especially when you are lucky enough to get stuff on sale, then it's like super cheap. I just love them.

I have to admit that any stores besides Target and Old Navy are not nearly in the same stratosphere, but I was asked for five stores and I feel these next three stores should at least get honorable mentions. H & M is a great clothing and accessories store that is
mostly available in Europe (the above picture was taken by yours truly in Amsterdam. Where H & M's are practically like Starbucks here and I had to go in, the East Coast, and California, but like in the
obscure and ritzy parts. But, oh
happy day, they are putting in three (three!) H & M's in the Seattle area (one in the mall nearby and two in Seattle) and I am so excited! The new H & M opens along with the new side of the mall on the 25
th of July and I am very very very excited and will most def be there for opening day. My only lament over H & M is that they do not have very large sizes, so mostly I (of the larger sizes) go for the accessories, which are like Forever 21-
ish prices.
Another store I like is
Fuego, which is only in the Washington area as far as I know. The closest one is in the Auburn
Supermall I believe (or
Alderwood may be closer, I have no idea). Anyways,
Fuego has mostly jewelry,
accessories, scarves, headbands, books , stationary and some toys. It's just really
kitchty (is that a word?) and unique and you know if you get something there not everyone will have it. Prices are moderate, but they have good sales if you manage to
catch them.
Lastly, I have to throw out a thumbs up to Urban Outfitters. I will say that their clothes are on the small side and they are kind of overpriced and I only go there for accessories and shoes which are also overpriced. So really I have no idea why I like this store, but I really really do. You should just check out
their website and see.
Honorable mentions also to
Sephora and
Ulta (both make-up stores) and Barnes and Noble and Borders.
So you all, I will be gone for the next two days at Seattle
U's orientation (so will my dad, unfortunately for you all and for me
haha), and then I don't blog on the weekends, so the next time you will hear from me is Monday, the 21st. But in the meantime, leave me lots and lots (and lots) of comments! Feel free to contribute to the favorite song or movie posts if you haven't already, and leave comments for your favorite stores here!