Damn these infernal cavities (sorry)! My superjovial dentist told me I had to learn how to floss like crazy via the "School of Hard Knocks". End cliche. Onto college student weekend getaways!

MMkay, so travel! One area that I'm really interested in (like
really) but have yet to delve into... so I'm excited!! So, I gotta be honest, I have been far too consumed with traveling to the Oregon coast for awhile. Oh, and here is where I add my disclaimer that I've only lived in two states, California and Washington, and really only have familiarity with those two states and the surrounding areas (i.e. Oregon!). So, if you were looking for anything on the East Coast or anywhere really besides the West Coast, I dunno, go ask someone else. Anyways, back to Oregon. The Coast! I will be using lots of exclamation points today!
Erm. So I was aiming for the Cannon beach, Seaside,
Rockaway area. They are noted for their
laid back atmosphere and
close by beaches with cool rock formations in the water and
tide pools and
ish. Which hooked me right there, ya dig? (I think the numbing medicine is still lingering =]). Add to this mixture that I have been trying to find a cheap place to stay there (note: The hotels there? Not so cheap) and I happened upon renting houses or cottages! So there's this website (link to follow) and they show rentals all over, and the best deal I could find is literally this little cottage that sleeps 6 but is so cheap I could virtually pay for it myself (virtually! I could also buy those
Louboutins, but who wants to spend 1/5 of their savings on shoes?!). So yeah, this is quite the deal, and you could have a nice little relaxed vacation on the Oregon coast. Road trip! Granted, a) with gas these days, you're better off walking and b) it is only 4 hours and 38 hours from my current house, but approx. 16 hours from my old house in California, so Californians you're outta luck in this regard, unless you fly or set aside like more than a week of time off.
$65/a night for weekdays and $85 for weekends fri thru sun
Like I said, CA and WA, that's all I got. I liked and picked this place because of the cheap price and I kinda love the decor. Coke dining set? Sign me up! It's in Venice, CA and I have driven through Venice, and it looks like such a FUN CITY! Like you can walk to the beach or go to clubs or shop antiques and have spin class all in the same general vicinity. A place you could go close by in CA while still getting away and relaxing. Oh, and if Tori and Dean still had their Inn in
Fallbrook, I'd post that too =)
$75 dailySo I hope that helped all you travel minded readers, especially since it was reader mail. And if anything, I hope you got some general and new ideas like: House Rentals! Little known vacations spots like the Oregon Coast! etc.
Lastly, my mom helped me demonstrate an excellent point, she was the one to post about the cute and cheap purse from Forever 21 in the last blog comment section. If any of you readers see a cute option that fits into the suggestions for any reader questions, go right ahead and post them. We'd all (especially me) like to hear any suggestions!!
The Venice boardwalk smells like someone sprayed urine all over it with an industrial strength hose. The stench is so bad I don't go there anymore but if you want a tat or a cartoon drawing of yourself than that is the place to go. ok, bye- aunt lola
Ooooh Ally, the Oregon Coast is so pretty. I hope that you get to go there soon! : D
Thanks for the pictures--Oregon really has a beautiful coast! We've been thinking of heading up there ourselves and we thought we would visit Astoria, you know, the town that's right there on the Columbia River. You're so lucky you live closer to it!
Like your idea of cottage rentals. The one in Oregon is darling! I loved the Oregon coast when I went there with Tata and Mom. Its so picturesque!I'll keep in mind the Venice place. Where exactly in Venice did you find that rental? It would be a great get-a-way for even my girlfriends and I for when we just want to get away but don't want the big travel expense. Nice ideas! Thanks!
Hmm, well Venice wasn't a hit with everyone, my mom wasn't too keen on it either anut lola. Thanks Roberta, I'd love to go this summer! We'll see how it goes. You're welcome Colon family. I know right? Who knew? Boogs, I found it on craigslist. That's what I was thinking too!
Hopefully, you'll have enough money to take your beautiful mother, darling brother, and witty father with you. I'm sure that could use a little relaxation. Signed, Someone who is not your dad nor your Uncle Paul H., but might be Uncle Scott or Uncle Paul E., and may even be Aunt Spanky.
You made a grammar mistake in your comment, not your dad. You said "I'm sure that could use a little relaxation." This clearly makes no sense. Perhaps you meant "I'm sure that they could use a little relaxation".
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