Friday, August 05, 2011

Big Girl Plates

Yesterday the family and I went outlet shopping, which we do with the same amount of fervor and enthusiasm that outdoorsy families go camping (welcome to the inner sanctum of the van Ingen family). Example: we left at 7:30 am to get there by 9 am when they opened (granted, I also needed to be back by 3 but still). Moving on, I did not think I was going to buy anything because the stores were mostly ho hum and the shoes I liked at Nike were $60, which I promptly threw back on the shelf. 
Then we went to Corelle, which is a bigger thing than I thought. Like it was a vague notion for me that they made plates, but I wasn't quite all the way clued in. To make a long story short, (too late), I ended up buying a 12 piece set of 4 plates, baby plates (?), and bowls. In all white (the other options were grandma flowers and black 80s squares, plus it makes my dad proud to have all white everything). For my very own studio apartment that I will be inhabiting this upcoming school year for six months. Below are the plates by Kate Spade I would have bought if money were no object.
Kate Spade Market Street Four Piece Place Setting, $80
Love the pink. Love the confetti! How whimsical! Plus I love basing a kitchen around the color pink. I was quite put out, however, that 4 dinner plates, 4 accent plates (ah the proper name for baby plates), 4 soup bowls, and 4 mugs cost eighty smackers. Considering my baby set was 17 dolla. You can buy a piece meal set, for maybe one person for cheaper, but come on Kate Spade, these are for eating after all.
Kate Spade St. Kitts Exeter Road Accent Plate, $22
I like this set because it is slightly more adult, though I am unsure if I could ever have this modern of a set. it would have to go with sleek countertops etc., where I see myself more shabby chic (oh heck, watch me grow up and have a totes minimalist house, which is not too far from what my room is now, absolutely no decorations). The major takeaway that I have from this set is that there is such a thing as a pasta bowl. Who knew?

What is your favorite kitchen set? Or are you a disciple of the paper plate?


Blogger MaidenMeeshie said...

I love Corelle! The unbreakable plates! Well, until they get into the van Ingen hands, but then they still break nicely. Grew up with the white plates with golden yellow know, that design has been used in a couple of movies: Neverending Story and At First Sight :) Possibly others.
Anyway, I don't have as many Corelle dishes at the moment as I'd like. I settled with an Ikea set Oma bought me. But I do still have a few random Corelle plates and bowls.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Not Not Your Dad said...

The best plate is the one with the 22 oz medium rare steak sitting on it.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Boogs said...

There was this square dinner set that I still kick myself for not buying a couple of years ago during the after-Christmas sale on It was by I believe Ana Sui (or someone like that). It was a white sq. set with a delicate red and black modern flower print. I tend to favor the asian style, besides everyone thinks my table setting is asian with my bamboo place mats and mini black lazy susan.

2:42 PM  

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