Friday, October 26, 2007

I Hope You've Noticed A Pattern By Now (Part One)

My last blog was on a Friday. This blog is on a Friday/Saturday. Ergo, I never have time to do anything fun any more, especially blog, which really upsets me because I love it sooo much. So, once again, I decided to combine all the blogs I had scheduled for this week into one like last week. And I'll try to be on top of things, but no promises. Unless someone wants to fill out my college apps. And away we go...

Crap You'll Find in My Purse

Classy title, no? They had a feature not unlike this one in a magazine I recently read, so I thought I'd feature it here.

I have this very same pink razr from Verizon. And I like it very much. I am very much about aesthetics, and this fits the bill. I mean pink, hello?! Other than the fact that I don't have texting, this phone is fab, and it's not even the phone's fault, really. I really don't know what else to say other than get yourself a cool cell phone. Like this one. Now. $39.99

I have an iPod video. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I have this problem were I'm always looking for the next best thing. And this is certainly the best out there. I believe I have already blogged about this marvel, so I'll keep this bit short, but may I just add that I found out you can add free applications to the iPod touch like Sudoku and Google and Tetris and others?!! Meh, I want this so bad! Also, after I wrote the above portion, we went to the mall, and I "test drove" the iPod touch, which was quite possibly a mistake because now I want it even more. It's AMAZING. $299

I obviously have a wallet in my purse. It holds all the usual, like my debit card, what little cash I have, my student id, my library cards, etc. My current wallet is a small crappy one that's like fit for a 7th grader. I am in the market for a new one, and I am not hatin' this one. In fact, I rather love it. $20

I almost always have a book with me, and now that I'm working at the library, I have an endless supply to choose from. The current book I am reading is Enter Whining, by Fran Drescher. It's very entertaining, and I love watching The Nanny. She writes exactly as she talks, if you can only imagine. And she includes so many pictures! Prices Vary (I'm unsure if it's still in Print).

I also have a variety of other stuff in my purse, like gum, Purell (of course), pens, a mirror, Excedrin, and my house keys, as a minimum.


The next two pairs of earrings are to me like pieces of art. They are pretty exquisite. They both come from this site online called Stars and Infinite Darkness, which is actually much less emo and morbid than you might think. It carries many unique items that you can't just pick up at the mall. The only downside I would say is that because of the rareness of the items, you often have to pay for being one of few to own the pieces. But just think of it like owning a small piece of couture :] P.S- These earrings kind of resemble calla lilies, my favorite flowers! $58

These ones are lotus'. $52

Gosh, not only is this cute shirt flower-related, but it also includes houndstooth, which is a perfect segue into my next topic! $103.99


Tell me this dress is not too cute! I have to admit, that Issac Mizrahi knows what he's doing, especially since he has designed this dress for Target. I am actually going to be wearing this dress for a special event coming up and I can't wait. $34.99

Ok, so for the longest time I have wanted a houndstooth hoodie, but have yet to find the perfect one. Either they are too small or are in guys' sizes/style. This particular hoodie is of the latter, from the guys' section of Old Navy. But ya know what? I rather like it and it def comes in big enough sizes, plus I don't think you can particularly tell it's supposed to be for males. But then again, I think I will continue my search. Even if this sweatshirt is kinda cheap. $29.99

Another thing that has really bothered me is that Houndstooth jackets are really popular, but I can never find them in my size. But now, thanks to this jacket, my mission is accomplished. Thanks Target! $22.99

I will be the first to admit that I have waaay too many flats. Like seriously, it's a borderline addiction. AND YET, I could/would always make room for these beautiful houndstooth flats, they are frickin' adorable. Plus, check the price! $12.99

Mmkay ya'll, so to me this particular post has gone on long enough, plus due to length it is getting harder and harder for me to manage the picture layout with the text. So, consider this part one, and watch out for part two sometime soon (no clear date as I have a To-Do list the length of my arm, no joke!).

Friday, October 19, 2007

Hope You're In It For The Long Haul

Because this is going to be a long make up for the lack of posts this week. I am basically going to recap in this blog what I was going to say Tuesday through today.
Tuesday was to be the day I told you all about my rigorous TV schedule for Monday. Big People, Little World started it's new season, and me and my mom love that show. It is about a family that lives in Oregon and there are two parents and four kids, but the parents and one kid are little people. The first episode was them taking an RV trip to California. At the beginning of the show I was like, "Why can't we go on an RV trip?" and then by the end I realized why. My family and I can barely tolerate each other in normal circumstances, so the close confines of an RV would be dastardly. The show that comes on after that is Jon and Kate plus 8, about two parents with twin girls and then sextuplets (6 other kids). The twins are 6 and the other kids just turned 3. I always marvel at them and how they are simply able to live. And on top of that the mom is like a neat freak and so their house is usually spotless, and I'm always amazed by the fact that she can keep her house so clean, in contrast to say the Roloffs, who only have four kids and their house is always a mess. Later on in the night, The Hills was on, and it was all the usual drama, he said she said. And lastly, Life of Ryan had it's season finale and it was basically Ryan thinking about buying his own house (at 17 years old), which just made me extremely jealous. That and the fact that he has 3 cars. Including a Range Rover. And an iPhone. The End.
Wednesday I had the day off because of testing, which seniors don't have to take. And I was supposed to use it to start/finish applications. And I did just that. I narrowed my list down to 3 optimal schools, one fallback, and two safety schools. And may I just say that I most definitely underestimated the length and arduous process filling applications out is. It takes SO LONG. I'm most definitely not even done. Because I am using the Common Application, which you can send to whichever school takes it (Mine is going to four different schools), I thought it would be relatively fast. No such luck. Plus two of my schools don't take it so I have to fill out their separate applications as well. It is going to be a busy next few weeks, especially weekends. To make myself feel better, I've included a variety of dorm stuff.

As you all know, I am love love loving deep purple this season, and so is everyone else. This sweater is a lot like the purple AE hoodie I mentioned that I wanted, except the other one had a zipper instead of buttons. This is so cute and looks really comfy. $24.95

And you know me, I am all for matchy matchy, so I would wear these with the purple hoodie, and this is also from AE. $19.95

All of these clothing items are from the "dorm clothing" section at American Eagle. I didn't really know that there was dorm wear, but from what I can tell it's basically glorified pajamas. But these babies are cute, and comfy looking, and cheap! And I'm lovin' the polkadots. $7.95

I've always dreamed to have a chair in my room, but there's never been enough room. This is so much more than a chair and I love the color scheme (they have other ones as well). This can be a chair but the wings fold down and it can turn into a bed. How functional! Perfect for sleepovers. $188.99

If you are not already aware, I am in love with Coke. It is my favorite drink. So this little drink holder is perfect for the dorm. The only downside is that it's so small it only holds 6 12 oz cans and not much else. $44.99

Not gonna lie, I'd probably feel like a gerbil getting food out of this. But if I wanna snack whilst in my dorm, then I can just get some dry cereal out of this and be on my way. So helpful! $34.99

I LOVE THIS MIRROR. If you are going to spend $30 for a mirror, shouldn't there be an inspirational saying on it? I like this one the best, but the other ones ("Be silly" and "Be Yourself") are really good too. $29.99

The decorations in my dorm will be minimal, if any. But if I had to pick one decoration, I'd probably pick this, from good 'ol Urban Outfitters. it's so chic, but in a modern way. $16.99

My only experiences with James Dean have been the movies East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, and not only were they great movies, but I fell in looove with Mr. James Dean. I don't care that he lived centuries ago, he is so cute, even now. And that's cute. So this picture would be great eye candy. $24.99

Gotta be honest, I've forgotten what Thursday and Friday's posts were and it's getting super late, so I think I'll end the blog here (it's already long enough) and perhaps there may be a special weekend post, but then again, maybe not.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's Britney Bitch

Mmkay, so first of all, how many of you have actually heard the song Gimme More? Show of hands? Yeah you've probably all heard it (or at least snippets of it) and may have had the same reaction as me...meh. Like pretty much indifference. And yet I could not help downloading it onto my iPod, and low and behold, my fave part of the entire song is "It's Britney Bitch". So saucy and sassy! Anyways, the reason I bring our dear friend Britney up is because this post is about all the stuff I've either found at a drugstore and/or bought at a drugstore. As a general rule I do not frequently shop at drugstores as they are severely more overpriced in comparison to my all time fave store, Target, it's redic. But most of these you can find at either/or. But my point was, Brit prob spends a lot of her time at drugstores, if not just to use the public restrooms she is so fond of and to buy some Cheetos and Redbull. ANYWAYS...

Definitely my all time fave drugstore find has been Purell. Now, right off the bat I would advise against getting it at say, Bartell's, as opposed to Target, simply because you can get two small bottles of Purell and a key chain holder at Target for the same price you can get one small bottle at your local drugstore. Anyways, Purell is like the miracle solution. It sanitizes, i.e for after eating on the run and/or when you spend a whole two weeks in Europe (you shoulda seen me in Holland, I took the biggest bottle of Purell I could find), and as a little known fact (to some), it also does a helluva job cleaning. It gets pen marks off your hands (I am a living testimony to this) and once a family friend of ours was in church and her son got sick and threw up at the end of the mass and she cleaned the whole mess with Purell and a whole lotta paper towels. Plus, as an added bonus, it does not smell bad, in fact I'm quite addicted to the scent and even know when someone has recently opened a bottle of it and/or put it on. How odd am I? Case in point, run and get some Purell, now. $1.49

The only thing I probably use more than Purell is Excedrin. I swear between our entire family, we could probably keep their entire company going. My dad's side of the family has been known to suffer from headaches quite frequently, and as I am so lucky I inherited this trait as well. Therefore, I've probably been taking Excedrin since about the 5th grade (our pediatrician at the time balked at this, but I kept taking it anyways). My dad always carries some with him, and as an added precaution I do too. I went through a period in 9th grade where I would sometimes forget to have some with me, and then develop a headache so blinding it was all I could do to drag myself upstairs, open the door, and get some aspirin without passing out entirely. You'd think this would have taught me a lesson, but this happened several more times before I now can't go anywhere without my trusty Excedrin and in some cases take the medicine beforehand if I know a headache may come on during the day. I literally swear by this stuff, and scoff at other "headache medicines" like Tylenol or Advil, they never seem to work for me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I am now immune to Excedrin all-together, but it's the only way to make me feel better. (P.S- DO NOT take Midol, especially when you are not on your period, to try and get rid of a headache instead of your normal headache reliever. My dad said it was ok because it is still a muscle relaxant, but trust me, it was so not the same and left me really dizzy :/ ). $13.99

I have a very love/hate relationship with my hair, and these headbands are one of the greater inventions to come along as far as I am concerned. They are basically really big hair-ties that serve as headbands (the picture above is not of the same ones I get, mine are more round instead of flat but you get the picture), and I have found no better instruments to hold my hair back than these. Plus, since they are close to the head, they create a sort of poufy, semi-bouffant, volume-y thing with my hair that I kinda like. And if that weren't enough (as if!), they also come in a variety of colors and are always very cheap! $3.99

All the above purchases can be found at, a recent discovery I love, because they really offer cheap, target-like prices for items of that nature that I might need. Plus, if you spend $25 dollars or more you get free shipping!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sorry for the Extended Absence

I am sure you must of all missed me terribly :] Due to my long period away, this post will be a tad longer, and if all goes well this weekend, then I will try to build up some blogs in my reserve in order to post with more frequency next week.
In my immediate family, there is an epidemic. And by epidemic I mean two family members have a hard time keeping secrets when it comes to certain people and certain presents. Case in point, someone in my family whose name starts with A told me that today he went with my mom to Target and got my birthday present. Then preceded to tell me what it was, a pillow with Zac Efron on it :/ So when we got home my mom just gave me the pillow because I already knew what it was. And this story has a slight point, I promise. Well, awhile ago my brother came up with an idea to get my grandma a locket for Christmas and put a picture of him and her together in it. And then my mom preceded to tell my grandma! But she has yet to find a locket, and so that got me to thinking...and thus today's post about lockets.

When I was at Nordstrom Rack that other weekend, and browsing the dress rack, I was in love with ALL the Juicy Couture dresses. Each and every one of them was cute and fashionable and, oh, if I was only a size 12 even what I wouldn't do to wear one of these dresses. And when I ventured over to the purse section, and besides Betsey Johnson, all my favorite bags were Juicy, of course. And when I go to Nordstrom, they always have the special section with all the JC jewelry and I never see a piece I do not like. And the above locket is no exception. It's pretty traditional in the sense that it is gold and heart-shaped but it's so much more because of the other exquisite details like the bling and the safety pin chain, etc. Love it! $95

I am a sucker for jewelry (it makes the outfit), but in necklaces I have a weakness for special chains. It is so easy to slap a pretty pendant on a crappy chain and call it good, so when a chain is as marvelous as the pendant, then I know it's spectacular. As you can imagine, this necklace certainly fulfills my chain expectations, and in this case the chain is almost the main event compared to the locket part. This necklace is from, and the more I peruse the sight the more I want to buy everything! $74

Again, this necklace fulfills two of my main requirements, bling and an awesome chain. The locket really gets dressed up with the added crystals, and the beads of the chain look almost rosary-like to me. And that's beautiful. $40

For the most part, the lockets I have featured have been more on the traditional side, with only slight variations to distinguish themselves. For those that are looking for something on the wild side, then I think you'll love this. It is so not what you would expect of a locket. Flamingos on the front? I mean, seriously! And when I saw this, I immediately thought of Florida and how I would like to visit there (plus all 50 states, among other places). And I could wear this! Plus, this one is one of the cheaper lockets of the post. $19

Ok, how freakin' sweet is this? Talk about untraditional, this locket looks normal from the outside, but when you open it, there is room for four pictures! Suh-weet. Double the room for your many admirers... $41.65

Mmkay, talk about lockets! This definitely has you covered. It has pretty much every locket shape on one necklace, and what could be wrong with that? And here I would also like to mention that with most lockets (but I would not recommend this one), you can layer them with longer and/or shorter necklaces for a vintage-y look. $28

Out of all the lockets I saw today, this is by far my favorite! How cute is it that it's shaped like an envelope, with a little "I love you" letter inside? Awww, it makes me melt right on the spot. I don't even care that you can't really put a picture in it, it's cuteness by far makes up for it. Someone please buy this for me, I'll love you forever! :] (The above one is from, but they sell them at urban Outfitters also). $16.50
Alrightey people, here is my first post back from a long time away. Let's be honest, I doubt my mom would use any of these for my grandma's present, but I lvoe them all. I hope to get things together enough to try and post more next week. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Quite Honestly?

Here is the breakdown of things: Today was supposed to be a blog about my mascara rotation (quite lengthy actually, considering my rotation :]) buuuuut I basically have to write a 6 page paper tonight, and work from 4-9 tomorrow, and babysit from 4:30 to like 10:30 Friday, and Work and Homecoming on Saturday, and homework make-up day on Sunday. So the likelihood of me blogging anywhere from tomorrow until Sunday is very unlikely. And even Monday will be a stretch. And if this all sounds hectic, it is, plus I imagine it'll only get busier from now on. So what I am basically saying is don't expect a blog from today until Sunday (if I get around to it, that'd be amazingly spectacular)...and from now on I still am really trying to push blogging to at least daily, but I don't want my homework to suffer. And at the same time I don't want my blogging to suffer because I love it so. So in other words, pray for me. Because if my schedule gets any more hectic, I may have to jump off of something very tall. Not really. But seriously.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Outfit of the Day

I was actually going to get seperate pieces from different sights and put together an outfit but I ran out of time and I have to work from 4-9 tonight, so this whole ensemble is from Old Navy. Please insert cuter pants

Get Here

Monday, October 01, 2007

Nordstrom Rack, How I Love Thee

I had to go Homecoming dress shopping this past Saturday. This is an exercise I usually despise, because I am not a cookie cutter shape, and therefore am hard to fit. My supreme objective is to get the cheapest dress that I possibly can that fits and isn't too skimpy. I ventured over to The Nordstrom Rack that just opened by the mall , and I have to tell you I was apprehensive. The only other Nordstrom Rack I have been to was a mess and clothes were unorganized and a mess, and slightly Ross-ish (please tell me that store is not like a garage sale in a store? I mean I appreciate that you can get stuff uber-cheap there but I don't have the patience to sort through the piles of clothes.) ANYWAY, the point is, probably due to the recent opening of this particular store it was well organized and clean and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Like I literally was so excited that I got a little light-headed and red in the face, not gonna lie. Case in point? I got my dress for $25!!! How fab is that? Also...
Ok, Betsey Johnson is like one of my fashion heroes. I believe I have featured her on this blog a few times before. And while I was indeed at Nordstrom Rack for my Homecoming Dress, I could not help but looking at the purses too. And there was a wide selection of Betsey Johnson. And I could not resist, so I bought the above purse from there for $49. 97, down from like $89!!! I was so psyched. Good thing I just got paid on Friday!

Lastly, we (my friends and I) went to the mall after The Rack, and I saw this girl wearing a heinous combination of flip flops and leg warmers, not unlike the unfortunate girl above :[ I mean first of all, it's SEATTLE, and ergo you should not wear flips flops at all unless it is June through August, and even then I would check the weather before you go outside. But in September, whilst it was pouring rain outside? Why, I ask you, WHY?