It's Britney Bitch
Mmkay, so first of all, how many of you have actually heard the song Gimme More? Show of hands? Yeah you've probably all heard it (or at least snippets of it) and may have had the same reaction as me...meh. Like pretty much indifference. And yet I could not help downloading it onto my iPod, and low and behold, my fave part of the entire song is "It's Britney Bitch". So saucy and sassy! Anyways, the reason I bring our dear friend Britney up is because this post is about all the stuff I've either found at a drugstore and/or bought at a drugstore. As a general rule I do not frequently shop at drugstores as they are severely more overpriced in comparison to my all time fave store, Target, it's redic. But most of these you can find at either/or. But my point was, Brit prob spends a lot of her time at drugstores, if not just to use the public restrooms she is so fond of and to buy some Cheetos and Redbull. ANYWAYS...

Definitely my all time fave drugstore find has been Purell. Now, right off the bat I would advise against getting it at say, Bartell's, as opposed to Target, simply because you can get two small bottles of Purell and a key chain holder at Target for the same price you can get one small bottle at your local drugstore. Anyways, Purell is like the miracle solution. It sanitizes, i.e for after eating on the run and/or when you spend a whole two weeks in Europe (you shoulda seen me in Holland, I took the biggest bottle of Purell I could find), and as a little known fact (to some), it also does a helluva job cleaning. It gets pen marks off your hands (I am a living testimony to this) and once a family friend of ours was in church and her son got sick and threw up at the end of the mass and she cleaned the whole mess with Purell and a whole lotta paper towels. Plus, as an added bonus, it does not smell bad, in fact I'm quite addicted to the scent and even know when someone has recently opened a bottle of it and/or put it on. How odd am I? Case in point, run and get some Purell, now. $1.49
The only thing I probably use more than Purell is Excedrin. I swear between our entire family, we could probably keep their entire company going. My dad's side of the family has been known to suffer from headaches quite frequently, and as I am so lucky I inherited this trait as well. Therefore, I've probably been taking Excedrin since about the 5th grade (our pediatrician at the time balked at this, but I kept taking it anyways). My dad always carries some with him, and as an added precaution I do too. I went through a period in 9th grade where I would sometimes forget to have some with me, and then develop a headache so blinding it was all I could do to drag myself upstairs, open the door, and get some aspirin without passing out entirely. You'd think this would have taught me a lesson, but this happened several more times before I now can't go anywhere without my trusty Excedrin and in some cases take the medicine beforehand if I know a headache may come on during the day. I literally swear by this stuff, and scoff at other "headache medicines" like Tylenol or Advil, they never seem to work for me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I am now immune to Excedrin all-together, but it's the only way to make me feel better. (P.S- DO NOT take Midol, especially when you are not on your period, to try and get rid of a headache instead of your normal headache reliever. My dad said it was ok because it is still a muscle relaxant, but trust me, it was so not the same and left me really dizzy :/ ). $13.99
I have a very love/hate relationship with my hair, and these headbands are one of the greater inventions to come along as far as I am concerned. They are basically really big hair-ties that serve as headbands (the picture above is not of the same ones I get, mine are more round instead of flat but you get the picture), and I have found no better instruments to hold my hair back than these. Plus, since they are close to the head, they create a sort of poufy, semi-bouffant, volume-y thing with my hair that I kinda like. And if that weren't enough (as if!), they also come in a variety of colors and are always very cheap! $3.99
All the above purchases can be found at, a recent discovery I love, because they really offer cheap, target-like prices for items of that nature that I might need. Plus, if you spend $25 dollars or more you get free shipping!
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