Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Quite Honestly?

Here is the breakdown of things: Today was supposed to be a blog about my mascara rotation (quite lengthy actually, considering my rotation :]) buuuuut I basically have to write a 6 page paper tonight, and work from 4-9 tomorrow, and babysit from 4:30 to like 10:30 Friday, and Work and Homecoming on Saturday, and homework make-up day on Sunday. So the likelihood of me blogging anywhere from tomorrow until Sunday is very unlikely. And even Monday will be a stretch. And if this all sounds hectic, it is, plus I imagine it'll only get busier from now on. So what I am basically saying is don't expect a blog from today until Sunday (if I get around to it, that'd be amazingly spectacular)...and from now on I still am really trying to push blogging to at least daily, but I don't want my homework to suffer. And at the same time I don't want my blogging to suffer because I love it so. So in other words, pray for me. Because if my schedule gets any more hectic, I may have to jump off of something very tall. Not really. But seriously.


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