Because this is going to be a long make up for the lack of posts this week. I am basically going to recap in this blog what I was going to say Tuesday through today.
Tuesday was to be the day I told you all about my rigorous TV schedule for Monday. Big People, Little World started it's new season, and me and my mom love that show. It is about a family that lives in Oregon and there are two parents and four kids, but the parents and one kid are little people. The first episode was them taking an RV trip to California. At the beginning of the show I was like, "Why can't we go on an RV trip?" and then by the end I realized why. My family and I can barely tolerate each other in normal circumstances, so the close confines of an RV would be dastardly. The show that comes on after that is Jon and Kate plus 8, about two parents with twin girls and then sextuplets (6 other kids). The twins are 6 and the other kids just turned 3. I always marvel at them and how they are simply able to live. And on top of that the mom is like a neat freak and so their house is usually spotless, and I'm always amazed by the fact that she can keep her house so clean, in contrast to say the Roloffs, who only have four kids and their house is always a mess. Later on in the night, The Hills was on, and it was all the usual drama, he said she said. And lastly, Life of Ryan had it's season finale and it was basically Ryan thinking about buying his own house (at 17 years old), which just made me extremely jealous. That and the fact that he has 3 cars. Including a Range Rover. And an iPhone. The End.
Wednesday I had the day off because of testing, which seniors don't have to take. And I was supposed to use it to start/finish applications. And I did just that. I narrowed my list down to 3 optimal schools, one fallback, and two safety schools. And may I just say that I most definitely underestimated the length and arduous process filling applications out is. It takes SO LONG. I'm most definitely not even done. Because I am using the Common Application, which you can send to whichever school takes it (Mine is going to four different schools), I thought it would be relatively fast. No such luck. Plus two of my schools don't take it so I have to fill out their separate applications as well. It is going to be a busy next few weeks, especially weekends. To make myself feel better, I've included a variety of dorm stuff.

As you all know, I am love love loving deep purple this season, and so is everyone else. This sweater is a lot like the purple AE hoodie I mentioned that I wanted, except the other one had a zipper instead of buttons. This is so cute and looks really comfy.
And you know me, I am all for matchy matchy, so I would wear these with the purple hoodie, and this is also from AE.

All of these clothing items are from the "dorm clothing" section at American Eagle. I didn't really know that there was dorm wear, but from what I can tell it's basically glorified pajamas. But these babies are cute, and comfy looking, and cheap! And I'm lovin' the polkadots. $7.95

I've always dreamed to have a chair in my room, but there's never been enough room. This is so much more than a chair and I love the color scheme (they have other ones as well). This can be a chair but the wings fold down and it can turn into a bed. How functional! Perfect for sleepovers. $188.99

If you are not already aware, I am in love with Coke. It is my favorite drink. So this little drink holder is perfect for the dorm. The only downside is that it's so small it only holds 6 12 oz cans and not much else. $44.99

Not gonna lie, I'd probably feel like a gerbil getting food out of this. But if I wanna snack whilst in my dorm, then I can just get some dry cereal out of this and be on my way. So helpful! $34.99

I LOVE THIS MIRROR. If you are going to spend $30 for a mirror, shouldn't there be an inspirational saying on it? I like this one the best, but the other ones ("Be silly" and "Be Yourself") are really good too. $29.99

The decorations in my dorm will be minimal, if any. But if I had to pick one decoration, I'd probably pick this, from good 'ol Urban Outfitters. it's so chic, but in a modern way. $16.99

My only experiences with James Dean have been the movies East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, and not only were they great movies, but I fell in looove with Mr. James Dean. I don't care that he lived centuries ago, he is so cute, even now. And that's cute. So this picture would be great eye candy. $24.99
Gotta be honest, I've forgotten what Thursday and Friday's posts were and it's getting super late, so I think I'll end the blog here (it's already long enough) and perhaps there may be a special weekend post, but then again, maybe not.
I love all the wall decor you chose. Especially, the James Dean pic! Remember though that holes in walls are not allowed in dorm rooms. In some colleges not even posters. Also, keep in mind that dorm rooms are very small and shared. You might want to keep something like the cereal dispenser in your room at home maybe? ;}
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