Woman's Flip Flops, Old Navy, $3.50 (!) (Beat that recession!)
Summer Clothes! Because the sun was peaking out and any occasion for me to write about summer-y things is super fab for me. I have decided that summer is my ABSOLUTE favorite season, especially now that I've moved to Washington. Ok, yeah yeah yeah, the rain isn't nearly as bad as they make it out to be, blah blah blah. BUT. In the summer you get what Washingtonians think of as "hot", and what I think of as normal. So like, 60's or 70's. So it's perfect for me.
The thing I'd have to say that I wear the most during the summer season is flip flops. I basically don't wear socks or shoes for about 60 or 70 days. Flip flops are so easy, so comfortable, and granted I feel obligated to keep up more with pedicures, but when has that ever been a problem with me? I chose to show these in basic black because sometimes I have a hard time choosing things, and black goes with everything. But ON carries these in pretty much any color you can imagine.

Hip Slung Slung
Capris, Gap,
$34.99The next most-often worn item in my summer wardrobe is capris. It is often too hot to wear pants in the summer, so this is my compromise. And they look pretty good with sandals, no?

AE Knit Party Dress, American Eagle,
$24.95 My third most often worn item is dresses. Quite frankly, they are the best and the easiest. You slip something over your head and you're already dressed? How great is that?! Step in some flip flops and you're dressed haha! This is the type of dress I would most likely get, and I chose this color (even though they had purple! Usually my obvious choice) because I feel this fair girl (not unlike me) looks best in this gray color. Represent. Oh! And another reason I like wearing flip flops? Heaven forbid I get a tan, even in the summer, but for some reason my feet tan easiest. So to prove I am not completely albino, I wear flip flops so I can get that gratifying tanline.
AE Flirty Striped Dress, American Eagle,
$39.95OK ya'll, if the dress before this was the one I would most likely get, this one is the one I would love to get. And wouldn't ya know it, it's on sale and they have my size! And giiirrrlll, I do not need ANY tempting. As it was today, I went in to aerie today to get my monthly free gift since I am a member of the a-list, and they were all "Buy $30 worth of stuff and get a free tank top!" and quicker than I could think I was over at the rack of sweatpants, and lo and behold they had those sweatpants I want, you know the black ones with the pink band that were featured here earlier? And they were on sale!!! But I had to restrain myself because a) they were only $19.95 and that meant having to buy another thing, b) I don't need any more tank tops, free or not, c) I had the choice to walk out of there with my free lip gloss and nothing else, or pay $30. I chose the first one. And besides, good thing I did, because then I went home and checked my bank account, and breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't buy anything, because I am running scarily low on money. And I think I might be addicted to shopping. No biggie.

Women's Embroidered Gauze Top, Old Navy,
$24.50Moment of truth: I have been neglecting one of my first loves, Old Navy, for the likes of American Eagle, Nordstrom (and Nordstrom Rack), and dare I say it? Forever 21. I love these stores immensely and will continue to shop there (I was so in love with Nordstrom Rack today I told my mom I might consider working there over the summer if it turns out I have to work retail, even over aerie, and we all know how much I LOVE aerie), but I also feel at home at Old Navy too. And I clearly have been missing out because when I went on their website today I noticed that there is some really cute stuff up. But anyway... The only reason this top is up is because a) I needed to prove to you lovely readers that I also occasionally wear tops in the summer, but also b) ethnic is back in. That's right, me and my mom were in Forever 21 on Tuesday, and we walked over to this rack of tops, and I literally said "Look mom, we are in the ethnic section. It must be back in". And don't tell me you guys don't know exactly what I'm talking about, tops with embroidery or Kenyan prints and a lot of brown and red and curlicues. Like, I don't even know how to describe it, I just know it when I see it. Meanwhile, I got a top very similar to this, only it had long sleeves, in San Diego once. From a Mexican man whose wife probably makes these while she sits in front of the TV watching novelas. I'm just saying.
Also, for you reading enjoyment, random life lessons/things I noticed today:
1) There were a lot of cute guys driving in Renton today. Where did they all come from?
2) Two people in my house who shall remain nameless cannot spell very well. Is it really that hard to spell R-E-C-Y-C-L-A-B-L-E-S?
3) In my dream house, where I will have a whipped cream machine like they have at the cheesecake factory, a cotton candy machine, and an imax theater with the screen on the ceiling that doubles as an astronomy room, I will also have a little Vietnamese lady giving hand and leg massages to me every couple of days like they give you when you get a manicure or pedicure. It's really my favorite part. They don't even have to do my nails, just give me delightful massages that make my scalp tingle.
4) I think I have a thing for skaters. First Ryan Sheckler, who is fine as hell, and now Rob Dyrdick.
That's all folks.
Summer Girl, Jessica Andrews
*It's a really great song. Seriously. I listened to it on repeat while I wrote this blog. Here are the lyrics, for your enjoyment:
I drive an Army Jeep
My bumper sticker reads
'Drink 'til he's cute'
That's what I'm gonna do
Ain't got no serious thing
Don't wear a diamond ring
I got a new tattoo
I think you'll like the view
And in my mind
The sun shines
All the time
Chorus:('Cause) I'm just a summer girl
I wear my flip flops
When I let my hair down
(That's when the party starts)
(The party never stops)
Who needs a boyfriend
I got my girl friends
When we get together
The summer never ends
Yeah yeah, oh oh oh
(I'm just a summer girl)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Tanks tops and cutoff jeans
Bikinis and belly rings
We'll make that scene
When the DJ plays 'Dancin' Queen'
Fellas, lay your money down
We'll let'ya buy a round
Don't push your luck
Don't get more than your hopes up
In my world
Day or night
Rain or shine
(Repeat Chorus)
Rap:Everybody needs a little bit of sunshine
Everybody needs time to unwind
Everybody's got to have a good time
(I'm just a summer girl)
Everybody get up on your feet
Everybody got to shake your body
Everybody got a right to be free
(I'm just a summer girl)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)