Saturday, March 07, 2009

Look at this trove, treasures untold!

Sprout Jewel Box, Urban Outfitters, $14.99
Every morning I awake at 7:40 (unless I have to straighten my hair, and then I get up 20 minutes early), and then I put my contacts in, do my hair, get dressed, make my bed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, and do my make-up. Pretty routine stuff, yeah?
But every day I found myself wearing just a watch and the ring my parents gave me for my 18th birthday, and no other jewelry. For those of you that know me, know that I have a ton of jewelry and I love wearing many baubles. But those days I couldn't even be bothered to put earrings in my first holes, and my second holes had simple pearls in them. My jewelry was just sitting in my bottom drawer in a plastic ziploc bag.
Then I happened upon this jewelry case, and it is suddenly no bother to put on at least my watch, ring, some earrings, and a necklace on. It's as if this organized box with compartments forces me to put jewelry on everyday now that I've got it situated. Plus, I added jewelry time to my morning routine, it comes just after brushing my teeth but before make-up. And, just like that, I look more put together, accessory-wise. So I highly suggest a box like this.
* A Part of Your World, Jodi Benson, The Little Mermaid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about you and your jewelry the other day because I was in Longs drugstore and I came across a little jewelry holder that looked like a clutch or makeup bag. I thought to myself,I wonder if Ally brought all her baubles with her to school. It would of been perfect for you. Damn, I should of bought it while I was there.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I like the jewel box! I agree, having your jewelry organized really gets one to wear it more often. I have Mike. Having him say to me all the time, "Where's that ring I bought you? Why don't you ever wear it?", gets me to pull out my jewelry.

7:54 PM  

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