*First may I say, sorry for my
absence. This time it was due to being sick with a sore throat and aching ears that I'm still trying to get over. Do you know how
suckular it is to be sick during the summer? Very, that's how!*
On August 6, 2007 I wrote a
blog post about all the things I wanted, which oddly enough is something I spend way too much time thinking about. But I'm working on it. And I figured you'd be oh so curious as to how that all worked out. And when I say curious, I'm sure some of you could care less, but that's what I'm writing about today! =)

In my post last year I wrote about wanting a Blackberry. Or need I remind you all of my Inspector Gadget Control Book Fetish. Well, in short, I got my Blackberry. Except instead of the Blackberry 8700g, I got the more updated Blackberry Curve (8320) model. It's slimmer and sleeker and I lovvveeee it. I use the camera and it even takes clear pictures for a camera phone. I use the to-do list for all sorts of things I don't want to forget. I write notes to myself (I have an ongoing "to do this summer" note). I text like a madwoman, and it even has this cool feature where it shows what the person said last under the text I am writing. I haven't had too many experiences with dropped calls. All in all, it's awesome. And I am proud to say I paid for it all on my own and pay the bill every month, since my dad wouldn't, which is a separate issue. =)

I also wrote about wanting a laptop. Which is sort of an understatement since I've wanted one ever since the third grade. The laptop is the only thing on the list that I didn't pay for myself. But I love love love it too. It's a Toshiba A215-S5849. Regrettably, at this point it is virtually useless since at our house we do not have wireless Internet, so I can't even register Spyware, let alone go on Myspace. Thus far I have only picked my desktop wallpaper (a scene of LA at night that reminds me of the Hills) and played Solitaire. My dad is working on getting a wireless router, but he has to talk to the geek squad about that (go figure) and he never buys something without researching adequately (which both makes sense to me and infuriates me, I want everything done ten minutes ago).

The Sedu was actually the first thing I bought after the aforementioned blog post. It was back when I was low on funds and it sent me in the hole -$25, but other than that it has been worth it. This straightener straightens my very curly and frizzy hair into a shiny thick frenzy of straightness. It transcends all the crappy $25 straighteners I have bought in the past.
Of course the next thing I want to buy would be my biggest purchase yet, a car. I found an even cheaper jetta on craigs list than the one I posted about before, but I still need to take a look at it, and see how much insurance would cost, and of course, that little detail of convincing my parents it would be a good idea for me to buy a car. The last is the hardest of course, but it would be my own money of course. If you think I should get a car, kindly vote yes in the comments section =)