This whole blog writing thang? It is long overdue, and I believe it is only fitting that I begin my foray into blogging by posting about poor Courtney's birthday, which happened on May 20th. Above is the group we had at the bonfire, minus about three people. I like this picture, because we look genuinely happy, and ready to do this rain or shine.
Here is Courtney and I's fave Chardin DA, Lucas. He does not have a facebook, but he is about to be plastered on my blog! Look at those gorgeous flowers Courtney got! They weren't from Lucas, but this picture makes it look like it.
Aww, even cuter. Despite Courtney's one eye.
Here is our group, with the successfully started fire. We had hot dogs and smore's. Not bad for a group who forgot matches, haha.
This the beautiful cake that was made for Courtney's birthday. It was Tara the cake master's brainchild. Basically, Courtney loves the earth and she's from the City of Roses (or Portland) so it's perfect! Tara hand drew the earth on fondant and Lisa colored it in. I supervised? Well, I tried to help as much as possible.

This picture looks like a senior picture, but instead of a dumb fake flower, she's staring intently at the cake.

I made the mistake of eating a sugar rose, and my teeth were bright pink, but I refused to open my mouth to show again.

Then I relented and stuck my tongue out a little. After all, Courtney only turns twenty once!
My Dearest Lovely Courtney,
Even though I know this is late, I am so glad I was around to help you celebrate your golden birthday. Despite your birthday mania, example---> Don't make any plans! It's a week before my birthday! It's two hours before my birthday! You can't, it's a quarter moon after my birrrttthhhday!!, I enjoyed the whole week and I hope you did too. I'm glad we met last year and I'm glad we've become so close.
Love, Ally