Friday, July 01, 2011

The Author is In

Remember Lucy, from Snoopy? Member, you member! So sassy, and she charged her friends $0.05 for her therapy sessions. Genius.

So I have a proposition for all my lovely readers (all 3 of you). It is a Lucy type proposition.
It's simple: I write a short story or poem for you. It can be about anything I choose or it can be specifically about our relationship. It's up to you to decide. Then I either email you the poem or short story, or I print it and mail it to your address.

In return, you visit paypal and donate the minimum requested donation, which is $1.00 (sorry, but inflation has risen just about all prices since the 50s). All you have to do is go to, and under the Personal tab, click Send Money, and put in my email ( Then you put in your own email, the donation amount, and your method of payment. Easy peasy. But if that sounds like too much, you can also kick it old school and mail me a dollar slipped between a piece of paper in an envelope. Again, your choice.

I am doing this for several reasons:

- I know artists (painter, photographers) who make money by selling their artwork. I am not an artist,  this is the only talent I have to offer.
- It has been awhile since my last book of poetry, Never Too Much of a Good Thing, which you can still purchase here. While I am currently working on one, potentially two, writing projects right now, see this as something to tide you over.
- I'm looking for creative inspiration to write.
- I recently spent five days living off of $42, which I will be blogging about in the future.
- This is like my own social experiment. Because I am genuinely curious who will take me up on my offer. I could get seventy takers, or zero. I'm guessing it will be the latter, but I won't know unless I ask.
- I am craving beef jerky, and a churro. So natch this is the solution.

Alright, I think that's everything. If you choose to accept this mission, either comment on this blog post or send me an email.

Eagerly awaiting your replies. GPOY


Anonymous Not Not Your Dad said...

I'll give you a buck. I appreciate your wanting to take in money with this blog as opposed to getting people to spend it. In fact, I will double my offer and give you another buck, so that you can write about the very next commentor for free, whomever it is. Such a deal.

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should have lots to write about me, since you are always giving me snide remarks followed by "slashes" and more snide remarks. I'll take Not Not Your Dad up on his offer. Start writing.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I'm so behind on posting on your blog, but I couldn't miss this offer! Mike and I would like to purchase (separately) either a story or poem (which ever you like)about our relationship (that is with you). No hurry on this. We will send our pay through snail mail, since I seemed to forgot my Paypal password. :(
Have a terrific Fourth of July weekend!!

1:32 PM  
Anonymous e.eyre (aka aunt lola) said...

I would like a story of your choice. I will send cash via snail mail. I forgot my paypal password login too.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See- you are so creative!! I will pay you to write about whatever you like. I will also send it snail mail as I don't like putting my card info into the computer. I will mail you some spending money to your parents house, ok? I'm excited to see what I get! :) Love you! Aunt Cissy

p.s. I will tell Mom and Tata, too, so they can join the fun!

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Not Your Customers said...

When are the stories coming?

4:50 PM  

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