Saturday, July 23, 2011

Recycling Piggy Bank-Oh the Possibilities!

Papa is always bringing home freebies from work. His latest swag bag was complete with a toothbrush, water bottle, t shirt, and other goodies (hand sanitizer is popular). 

A couple of months ago, he brought home this little gem, one of my favorite freebies to date. It is a miniature recycling bin fashioned into a piggy bank. 

This coupled with the fact that I hate carrying change around with me brought upon the advent of using it to save my change. 

It never occurred to me that it took so long to fill a piggy bank. I have been putting coins in this bank sine May, and it's still only a fourth full. My next fear is that once this thing is full it will only have twenty bucks in it total, but I do plan to use this fun money on something.

But for what?

I have tossed around a few ideas. Spending spree on iTunes or at a bookstore. Spending money towards a vacation. New clothes. Or new shoes. Stuff to decorate my sparse but newly painted room.

But I was wondering what ya'll think? What would you spend a rainy day piggy bank on?


Anonymous Not Not Your Dad said...

Take the coins in your full trash bank and put them in a bigger container and continue saving.

5:02 PM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I too don't like carrying change around. I empty out my coin purse just about everyday (I don't like the extra weight) and into my candy jar at home. When time permits I roll up my own coins and usually end up with about $12-20. To the bank I go! BTW, I LOVE the recycling bank! Too cute!

11:47 PM  

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