Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Book I Just Finished Reading

It's called Short Takes by Judith Kitchen, and it is an entire collection of short stories by different authors. I rather enjoyed it.

It started out as a textbook for my Writing the Personal Narrative class, and I was intrigued because I'd never had a paperback book full of stories as my textbook before. But I ended up liking it, and even keeping the book instead of selling it back so I could read the rest of the stories that we didn't get to in class.

They were all grouped together in common themes: death, children, family, nature. My favorite stories were ones set in, based upon, and focused around specific cities and areas. I love the idea of traveling and the charm of one particular place. I now have a lot of road trip ideas, including visiting Turino, WA, which I had never heard of before.

I enjoy reading short stories more now because my attention span can only take so much. These stories start and end (most of the time) before my mind can wander.

Short stories are great for writers to read because it gives you ideas for future pieces.

So in all in all, I'd recommend this book to almost all people, and if I had to give it a rating I'd rate it 4/5 stars.


Anonymous Not Not Your Dad said...

I also find myself losing interest in reading anything longer than a paragraph. In my job, I have to read a lot of procedures, which are not very easy reads in the first place, so it's like pulling teeth when having to read through them. I've just decided that they should make all writings into movies, or, at the very least, into audio media...This is probably why I can usually not make it through your longer blogs.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous aunt lennie said...

Thanks for the book recommendation! It sounds interesting and I'll have to add it to my TBR list.

I have just gotten into reading short stories myself. The one that comes to mind, which I just read recently, is a collection of short stories, written by different authors, who state what home means to them. It was interesting to read all these different points of view. Some wrote about their childhood homes while others wrote about their first home after marriage or a divorce. It made me reflect on the homes I lived in and what they meant to me.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I love the short story collections myself. During my down time when I worked at the bookstore, I use to browse through the short story collections we had. Many from best-selling authors. They were awesome! It was like getting several good books for the price of one!

6:19 PM  

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