I have something new, maybe you've heard of it?

Whilst shopping during my birthday celebration, we went to Nordstrom's, and I got the above clutch that I blogged about earlier in a post about purple things. I lurrrvve it, and it was on sale for $15.90 (like half price!). So it's a win-win.
Also whilst shopping, I purchased the iPod Touch for myself, and I am in lurve with that too. As you can only imagine... It's practically the frontier of MP3 players, and watch, I'll be saying that in 6 months when they come up with a new one ;] But seriously, I honestly would like to know how they could top this generation of iPods?
Today is my mommy's birthday :] Just thought you oughtta know!
I have added some advertisements on my blog, they are discreet ones at the top of the page. Please feel free to click them all day long, even if you do not purchase what they are advertising :]
And lastly, I am seriously sad that I do not come on and blog on a normal rate that I normally would :[ But school has seriously overtaken my life. Well, that and work. But. I always say that once such and such is over, I will come back to blogging, but then something new pops up. Like I thought once I finished college apps, I'd be good, but I have to use my extra time once they are done to do things like read Plato for English class and another book for Psychology and study for Physics (which I am crap at) and work on scholarships and work and do all my other homework and I don't know, occasionally sleep :/ But that being said, I will honestly try to blog as much as possible. And thank you to all the regualr readers, you make this happen by reading and inspiring me to keep writing :]
Oops, I lied, there's one more thing :] A preview of what is to come should I ever be able to get on again...
- Perhaps a guest blogger? :]
- Thanksgiving Outfits
- A Wedding Post
- Guys' Clothing
- Little Black Bag
- Harajuku Lovers
- Ally Hearts Something for a Good Cause (and celebrities!)
- Reader's Mail
P.S - For the last one to actually happen, I actually need reader mail! So please please send me some, anything really, to parfaitdawncer@hotmail.com And then spread the word and tell everyone you know to send me stuff too! :] If you need ideas of what sort of things Reader Mail is, click here. If you go three down, that one is from me! (it's about purse necessities, natch).
Anywhoot, that is all for now, talk to you all soon I hope! HugHugKissKiss
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