I am so obsessed with shoes that once I had an Urban Outfitters Gift Card and wanted so many shoes but only could afford one pair for the price of my gift card, so to help me I decided to make a slide show with pictures and prices. Then I ended up picking a book instead that I didn't even finish reading. Go figure. But that is neither here nor there. This post is about my love affair with shoes.

I have these exact flats, except not this color and not satin. So I guess they're not exact :] Oh well. Satin is not practical in Seattle where it rains almost nonstop, imagine the runny, wet mess these shoes would be in.
Anyways, I
love these flats. You can basically wear them with anything, and the plain (as in not satin or patent) come in like 12
different colors. I have mine in black,brown, red, and burgundy. You can never ever go wrong with a simple ballet flat. That being said, please do not become Amy
Winehouse (not like you would or anything), and wear the same satin, pink, now
uglified ballet slipper humanly possible every single day.
I love these shoes for pretty much one reason: they go great with this hoodie at American Eagle (that they no longer have online, I hope it isn't sold out)that I am in LOOOOVVVEEEE with and would like to acquire immediately. And you all know I am all for matchy-matchy ;] $35

We all know I have a deep love for houndstooth. And these shoes? Quite houndstooth-appetite filling. Even if the Velcro would make me feel like I am 5 years old again and playing in the sand box. It is probably a small price to pay. Right? $55

I love these shoes because I can actually remember a time when people actually wore shoes like these (minus the rainbow laces, those are new). And if I ever forget I need only to watch Encino Man or any 80's or 90's era rap video, foreealz. And I guess now they are trying to bring this back. But it so ain't happening. I would never actually wear these, this particular shoe is more for the entertainment value. $59.99
Now I realize that all the previous shoes were flats and/or sneakers. But you have to realize that I go to school five days a week where we cannot wear shoes with a heel higher than two inches, plus who would want to when there are at least nine staircases, most likely more? So that is why I spend most of my time in shoes that are flat. However, I still harbor a fetish for heels, and this can easily be remedied with boots, w
hich tend to keep my feet warm, and also have a heel (usually stacked so I can actually walk as oppose to a
ridiculously skinny heel). These boots are delicious, I love the color and the fact that they would look great with your dark skinny jeans tucked into them. I also love the price.
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