Alright ya'll, I'm officially back! Miss me much? :] I am going to try and utilize Jessica's (from Bunnyshop) two main tips in that I'll try to err on the side of caution and limit my posts to around five items so as to not bore you guys outta your mind. Also I'll be trying to post on a regular, daily basis (at least Monday through Friday). This may be re-evaluated once I get more heavily ensconced in school, but for now expect a daily post weekdays, with possibly special posts on the weekend. Mmkay then? Let's get to it...

I always think I am on the cutting edge of creative ideas, but once again I'm not. For instance, I thought I was the first person to decorate notebooks (specifically composition books), but in research found that it's a pretty common thing, especially on Probably highest among stay-at-home moms with a penchant for scrapbooking but still. I love the notebook above, it's very academic and best of all the little ribbons have argyle on them ( I am a sucker for details like this, for certain). Prices Vary (Question: If I made these, would you buy them? Let me know!)

All the items on this list are pretty cheap, as I am very low on cash. However, this bag is way too cute to pass up. I mean, I can't imagine having the money to afford a Marc Jacobs bag any time soon, but this seems like a good substitute. But you know what? I can't bring myself to pay $55 dollars for a screen-printed canvas bag... But I still can look can't I? $55

I have always been drawn to Sharpies. I'm not really sure why, other than the range of colors they come in are so appealing and artistic. You know what kind of Sharpies I especially enjoy? The kind from
Walmart where you get 8 for
$4.44 :]

I really really love 'zines. For those not in the know, 'zines are like handmade mini magazines that are usually pretty inexpensive. In other words, they combine three of my favorite things, magazines, handmade, and cheap. The 'zine above is particularly cool because it gives cool tips on things like layout, graphics, xeroxing, and other stuff needed to launch a 'zine. $6

The funny thing is is that
I have never been able to do
Sudokus until Friday. Sadly. But for
reals, I would always start them and then not be able to finish, even if they were really easy ones. But we got some on Friday in Math class and I tried for the umpteenth time and was able to complete one. That was apparently all it took and now I'm addicted. Of course, I still stick to like the super easy level ones but once I build my confidence I'll be able to advance. The best part I think is that I can get them online for free. And at this particular website, Sudoku park, you can do them online, or print them out, or even make an
ebook of three pages of Sudoku and a page of solutions.
Yay for mindless entertainment!
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