Tuesday, August 14, 2007

More Back to School Mania

Okay, I know I'm spoiled, but I must get a new backpack every year, whether or not my one from last year has worn out. So, for your enjoyment, a few backpacks I thought deserved "A" grades :]

First and foremost, here is the backpack I chose for this year. The picture is a little fuzzy but as you can probably tell, this bag is ARGYLE, and pink argyle at that. What more can you ask for in a backpack? $28.60

Before I found my perfect backpack, I really considered getting this bag from Target. It is houndstooth, after all, but after realizing I couldn't put my fatty arm through the armhole comfortably, and the fact that I'd probably get shoulder and back problems by carrying all my heavy books on one arm, I reluctantly put it back. But you know, there is nothing wrong in using a stylish tote bag in lieu of a backpack! $12.99

I also really like this houndstooth bag (from Target again) also. It really really reminds me of a bag that I could take with me to London and strap on while running all over the city and exploring the sites and shopping til I dropped. The only problem, backpack-wise, was that it was too small and more purse-size than carry all my books-size. $19.99

This tote is really really cute! They have tacos saying "Hola" on one side and french fries saying "Bon jour". How sweet is that? It is probably a bit on the small side, but it's too adorable of a bag to make a difference. $25

When I was at Journey's getting some argyle shoes (natch) for the new school year, I remember seeing this bag on the wall and thinking, "That's a pretty cute backpack". I like that it is a backpack in practicality, and will really be sturdy enough to last all year, but at the same time it does not skimp on style. $40

In all fairness, this bag is probably not the most accessible or convenient backpack. I saw a few kids last year carrying around duffel bags as backpacks last year, but they were guys and their duffel bags were icky black ones with no spunk. This one screams fashionista. Does it help that this is made by Libertine (for Target)? Of course! My fave detail is of course the whale/crossbones pattern. $39.99

This bag is white, which my dad says is not a good feature in a backpack as it will get dirty fast. But I really don't care. You know what draws me to this bag? That it looks like something Gwen Stefani would either carry or design, and that my friends, is a good thing. $24.99

I was perusing Urban Outfitters, and I came upon this bag. I couldn't really tell if it is of backpack-worthy size. But at this point I think it would do just fine as a purse, and at the sale price, I'd take it in a second! $14.99
Just a few more noteworthy things, then I'm out.
1) The new season of Tori and Dean: Inn Love premiers tonight on Oxygen at ten o'clock. I have a new found love for this show! They are both pretty funny, and I love watching their antics (yes, I did just use the word antics!).
2) Also on tonight is the show Flipping Out, which I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. It is on at ten o'clock on Bravo, luckily I can most likely watch a rerun of it some other day, otherwise I don't know how I could watch both tonight!
Well, I believe that is all for now! Hug Hug Kiss Kiss :]


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