Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fast Fun Facts that make me want to Projectile Vomit. Good night.

Many people are unaware of the most disgusting things that affects our every day life. You'd never realize how much you interact with gross things on a day to day basis. Some may affect your daily routine, while others are just fun to read! It's quite funny how these things don't bother us until we know the truth behind them. Everything changes once you are aware of something. Ah, ignorance is bliss. This article may not be appropriate for young children, read with caution.
1. Ever have a craving for a peanut butter sandwich? That thick, yummy, and creamy goodness. In one pound of peanut butter, it typically can contain up to 150 bug fragments and 5 rodent hairs.
2. House flies go to the bathroom roughly every 4.5 minutes. Think about that next time you see one fly on your delicious dinner.
3. Step outside and smell the roses. On a daily average you will inhale 1 liter of others anal gasses.
4. In the mood for fast food? An average person will consume 12 pubic hairs in their fast food annually. Gross!
5. It's summer time, and that means the pools are open! If you swim one hour in a public pool you will intake 1/12 liters of urine.
6. Creepy crawling cockroaches. As if they aren't disgusting looking enough. These insects carry over 40 different pathogens which risk being transferred to humans. Included is pneumonia, plague, hepatitis, and typhoid fever just to name a few.
7. Need to use the bathroom? When a person pees, a small deposit of urine enters the mouth through the saliva glands.
8. Need that morning jump? Next time you go out to the coffee shop think about this, diarrhea induced E.Coli was found on 10% of coffee mugs in the U.S.
9. Enjoy a nice cup of yogurt? You might want to double check the ingredients again. Some yogurts and jelly sweets contain beef or pork gelatin.
10. Think you've got it bad when you vomit? The longest recorded projectile vomiting is 27 feet. I wonder what he ate.
11. We all like a man who gives a nice firm hand shake. However, you might want to think twice before returning the firm grip. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and did not wash their hands.
12. Through contact with door knobs, counter tops, and other daily objects your hand will come in contact with 15 penises a day.
13. When we sleep we are the most relaxed and at peace. Who would've thought that while you are snoozing you were inhaling bugs! In a years time, most humans will consume 14 insects while in their sleep.
14. Having work done to your house? Research has shown that in a lifetime you will have had 22 workmen examine the dirty contents of your linen basket.
15. Here comes the bride. Next time you're planning to attend a wedding reception you might want to bring a hanker chief. You have a 1/100 chance of taking home a cold sore from one of the guests. Cold sores are a form of oral herpes!
If your body's natural defenses failed, the bacteria in your gut would consume you within 48 hours, literally eating you from the inside out.
A woman who had recently visited South America, where she had safaried in local rainforest, began to experience severe pains in her left ear, accompanied by headaches, dizziness and constant rustling sounds, at first put down to tinnitis. It became so serious that exploratory surgery was required, which revealed that a spider which had become trapped in her ear. Eventually it had eaten through her eardrum and was living within the aural cavity. The rustling sounds were from the spider crawling around inside her skull. An egg sac was also removed...
# Over your lifetime you will produce enough spit to fill a swimming pool.
# When Eskimo babies have colds, their mothers suck the snot out of their noses.
# You don’t sweat evenly under each arm. Right-handed people sweat more under their left arm and it’s the right arm that gets sweatier for left-handed people
You swallow about one quart of snot every day.
Most people fart 14 times a day.
# About 10 billion tiny scales of skin rub off your body everyday. In a lifetime, you could fill eight five-pound flour bags with dead skin.
# Feet sweat because there are about 250,000 pores on their soles that squirt a quarter cup of liquid each day.
A fast-food customer in the United Kingdom got a stomach-turning surprise when she found a caterpillar crawling around on her chicken sandwich.
Back in the states, a family was chowing down on a bucket of chicken parts when one of the daughters asked, “Mommy, what’s that crawling out of your mouth?” Answer: a maggot! After checking out their corpse cuisine, the family discovered maggots crawling all over it.


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