Because I have an effing Migraine
You'd think, given my aspiring journalism back round, that I'd have watched The Hills from Day one, but such is not the case. When it first came out I was like, "Meh, I never watched Laguna Beach, why should I watch this, blah blah blah". But then the new season started and I figured it'd be good time to figure out what all the fuss was about. I love this show. I am the first to admit that I can be a very envious person, and let me tell you you, I am envious of these girls. I want the internship at Teen Vogue. I want all the guys fawning over me. I want to go to Les Deux every other night. I want a Blackberry and an expensive car and trips to Pinkberry and a pretty room mate and really pearly white teeth and a size 2 frame and expensive clothes and my own line of clothing. I want a lot obviously. But when I watch this show I see the girls and I live vicariously through them, biding my time until I can be them. And by the by, how great is the soundtrack to this show? Very. $22.99 and $27.99

Coincidentally, right after The Hills is Life of Ryan, a new show that just started. First, may I just say that I don't understand how Ryan Sheckler, a 17 year old pro-skater and first class hottie, cannot get a girlfriend. I would be beating down his door, right after Zac Efron's. I mean, I wouldn't even care that he's gone for months at a time, hellllloooooo, I'd be like, "That's right foo my boyfriend is in Belize, where is yours?". Haha sike. But seriously he is so cute and this show is pretty darn good. His parents are going through a divorce and in it he describes himself as needing to be his younger brothers' father figure, especially for his 8 year old brother. And I can understand that because half the time I feel like Andrew's third parent. I cannot tell you how many time I have heard, "Daddy. I mean Mommy. I mean Ally!". Too many :]
Alright ya'll. A couple things, then I'm outie.
- A little FYI: A good tip to help cure a headache/migraine is to eat a cupcake from your local grocery store so fulla sugar you don't know what to do with it. Try it sometime :]
- Secondly, I am becoming aware of a few more readers here and there, so I am sending out a plea to all you regular readers: Please feel free to send me reader mail, or get other people you know to send me reader mail. Reader mail is generally just a note asking me to answer a question you may have (about pretty much anything; fashion, TV shows, pop culture, celebs, etc.) or a tip you may want me to share or a topic you'd like me to expand on. Reader mail generally breaks up the occasional monotony of a blog and allows you guys to participate in the blog process. So if you feel so inclined, shoot me an email at and I'll do my best to respond to whatever question/comment/suggestion you may have. Thanks!!!
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