Saturday, December 10, 2011

Recent Revelations

  • I am considered a picky eater. I used to eat little to no vegetables as a child. But now that I am an adult, and now that I occasionally try things just for funsies, I have made two important discoveries. I like artichokes. And brussel sprouts! And sometimes tofu, but only if it is fried. So I guess threes things.
  • Speaking of food, I only this year expanded my Thanksgiving food palette, but I now know I like stuffing (why didn't anyone tell me it was just mushy bread?) and I REALLY like sweet potato casserole, especially if it has walnut streusel on top like the one they sell at Costco.
  • Stepping away from food, I am somewhat of a narcissist, I mean... into photoshoots (not really a revelation, those of you who know me since birth know I was that baby in Sears every year getting a new picture of me in a new dress, laughing my head off or smiling like a kiddy pageant contestant). That being said, being a model is hard work... Especially when you're at Golden Gardens stopping traffic as cars drive by and stare at the light reflector perched above you. 

  • Special thanks to superb photographer and fun/fabulous lady Amber at Tres Birds Photography for her wonderfully skilled talent at shooting portraits! I had so much fun!
  • My new fashion inspiration is Jennifer Lopez. But not glam Jennifer Lopez who goes to award shows and drives a fiat through the Bronx in a commercial, but Jennifer Lopez circa 2001 when she still remembered she was Puerto Rican. I already have my big hoops and leopard print ready. No one loves to rock a velour sweatshort suit like us (kidding about me, I would never. Everything else, yes). See below:

  • I'm beginning to appreciate the scars I have. I now have one on my knee from totally eating it falling downtown, and the one on my left hand from uhm cutting it straight through an apple. Even though I complain to Lisa that I am going to "merderma the business outta those scars", for now it is nice to think while I felt like a fool at the moment, they remind me how strong I can be, or at least that I have the ability to heal.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL: It is the season of giving. And I don't mean that Xbox 360 to yourself. I have a dear friend, Abeni, who I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, who asked me to send out a little memo. She is currently in Baltimore, Maryland, serving as a teacher in one of the poorest schools in the city. She desperately needs funds for crucial supplies for her kindergarteners, and since they have almost no extra money at this school anything she gets she has to get out of pocket. You can help her, and more importantly, all of these kids, to get the help they need in reading and math. As someone who spent two quarters last year studying childhood education, there is definitely a gap and you can makes these kids' Christmas by donating anything you can. Even five dollars helps, and Abeni thanks you! Here's the link to donate: 
Alright my besties, that's all for now. Hugs, kisses, and long-winded text messages. 


Blogger MaidenMeeshie said...

You like brussels sprouts?? Even I don't like those suckers! And I don't like tofu. It does NOT take on the taste of whatever it's cooked with, as everyone swears by. And it has the consistency of a boiled egg. And you know me and eggs. I also don't like stuffing...except for the one homemade kind my friend's mom made for Thanksgiving my sophomore year of college.
And I'll see what I can do about donations...I'm kinda broke now.

11:45 AM  
Blogger MaidenMeeshie said...

Oh! And you take some really good pictures :-)

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Blog and nice pictures, but don't you have a vegetarian photographer friend who could have taken the pictures for free?

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Not Not Yo Dad said...

That was me above.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I love your photos!! And plan to print them out to frame. It's very nice of you to share your friend's crusade. I was happy to donate to Abeni rather than to the Toy Drive at work. (You wouldn't believe how hard a time I had finding a Spiderman backpack last year.)
See you next week! :)

6:49 PM  
Anonymous e.eyre (aka aunt lola) said...

Nicole Richie wore that exact Jennifer Lopez outfit last Halloween even with fake tan and hoop earrings.

6:46 PM  

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