Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 Days

So... I really like books and TV shows where the protagonist gets to experimentally do something for a certain amount of time. Example: AJ Jacobs, author of The Guinea Pig Diaries, did different experiments for month increments, like outsourcing to India or committing to only doing one task at a time. This same author has also lived a strict jewish lifestyle for a year, and then wrote a book about it. Things like that.

Morgan Spurlock, who you may remember from Supersize Me, does experiments himself or creates situations for others to do so. Eating only McDonalds for a month was one such example. In this sort of spin off television/documentary series, he or other participants put themselves in new, and often difficult surroundings for 30 days. Memorable episodes that stick out to me are: Living on a reservation, a border patrol officer living with a family of immigrants, a straight man living a gay lifestyle, an atheist living with Christians, a Christian living a Muslim lifestyle, a man living as someone outsourced in India, 30 days in jail, and 30 days of living on minimum wage. There were others.

I began to think what sort of 30 days I would like to live. My immediate thoughts were 30 days as a stand up comic and 30 days as a pro surfer. But that starts to sound more like an episode of Made and less like 30 days. While those would have been uncomfortable because I would be out of my comfort zone, they wouldn't be uncomfortable enough.

So I would maybe do: 30 days with a disability (blindness, deafness, or being in a wheel chair), 30 days as an illiterate person, 30 days as someone who could not speak the language of the country they were in, 30 days living with no electricity (that may be the end of me though), 30 days as a different religion (Mormonism would be interesting), 30 days as some sort of activist (like animal rights), 30 days as a sister wife.

What sort of 30 days would you do?


Anonymous Not Not Your Dad said...

You should go 30 days wearing the same clothes, blue jeans and white shirts. That doesn't mean the same ones day in and out. You can have 2-3 sets and definitely wash them in between. This will show you that fashion/style variety is not only not necessary, but is also over-rated.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous e.eyre (aunt lola) said...

If you were to be an animal rights activist you would also have to practice being a vegan (no animal products food/clothing/cosmetics/etc.) for 30 days.

7:40 AM  
Anonymous not not the vegan said...

I vote for 30 days of Ally being a vegan. Talk about uncomfortable.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about 30 days without using the INTERNET. or would that be part of your 30 days without electricity?

6:08 AM  

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