Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm Still Alive, I Promise.

Mineralize Skinfinish, MAC, $27
That's not a song lyric, it's just the truth. And now, reader mail!
Ally, do you know what the big whoop is about MAC mineralize skinfinish? Everyone and their mother on YouTube has this in multiples. I don't get it. Have you ever bought one and is it worth the price? What about MAC studio fix foundation? Everyone raves about this too. I wish you did vlogs on YouTube and become a MUA guru. -e.eyre
Ok, so I will admit to loving and using MAC makeup, especially for my face, but I will also admit that I have not heard of the mineralize skin finish. So of course, being me, I researched. From what I can tell, it is basically bare minerals in a powder, compact form. And from my brief tenure with bare minerals, I did not like it for the precise reason most other people like it, the fact that it is minimal coverage. I like maximum coverage, hence, my love of MAC. Which my dad keeps insisting is basically theater make-up, because it is so thick and full of coverage. Oh, also, you can probably guess then that I haven't bought one and I would be willing to try it if it weren't $25 and I already had a bias against it because it's low coverage.
I have, however, tried Studio fix foundation, and love it to pieces. It's what I currently use actually. Since I tend to have skin on the drier side, I start with MAC mousterizer with spf, then I use Studio fix fluid, then I use studio tech foundation as a sort of setting powder. I have to use this combo, as opposed to straight powder foundation because of my dry skin, so I need the fluid foundation and like the extra coverage of the powder. I've also tried Studio Fix powder plus foundation, and I'd recommend that also.
Lastly, I've seen vlogs and I like them but I don't think I'd be cut out for them, as much as I wish I was. It's really awkward to see myself on camera and I write better than I speak. But I can understand how that would be a good medium for make-up gurus to blog, so they can demonstrate.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Party is Ending at 2 AM

*That's a picture of me at the Dance Marathon above, in the very front row, on the far right. We're doing the Macarena.*

Just a little update for those of you faithful readers who helped contribute to Seattle University's Dance Marathon (and heck, even those who didn't. Even thoughts and prayers, etc. are helpful).

We raised.... are you ready for this?.... I don't think you are..... drum roll please... !!!


That's a lot for our baby school, and the 95 or so people who participated (including dancers, steering committee, and volunteers). And all of that money is going to Seattle Children's Hospital Uncompensated Care, so that basically no kid gets turned away because they can't afford it.

I personally found the experience humbling and exhausting. Standing, let alone dancing for 16 hours is a bit hard on the old body, especially on an nonathletic one like mine. Don't believe me? Try it sometime!

But every time I felt like sitting down I just reminded myself it "was for the children" and got down on the dance floor some mo'. And there were certainly a lot of fun parts, like the line dance that went to this medley of current songs and is to date the only dance I've been able to memorize in such a sort space, and been able to perform semi-well. I also liked the Disney themed hour, you know me ;)

So thank you one and all who helped with this miraculous cause.

* Ching-a-ling - Missy Elliot