I've Memorized the Route
Turn right leaving your cul-de-sac, even though you almost always turn left. Drive along the winding roads of your neighborhood, and make your way to the bottom of the hill, where you will follow the Maple Valley Highway, a name that only sounds plausible in Washington. Drive for two lights then turn left at the Big Forest (this is what you call it in your head, and it reminds you of all the VHS’ of Dora your brother watched until he deemed that “for girls”). After a little while, you will turn right across from Jay Berry’s Café, where you will always want to stop, ever since the first time you passed it in ’09, because it looks so quaint. Drive I-900, passing trees and lived in homes that make you feel as if you are not in the same state any more. Pass Cougar Mountain zoo, and the Salmon hatchery (it is s a snooze fest), and the movie theater.
You will arrive at the three building business that helped groom you from a shy college freshman to a fascinated and eager intern two years ago, and then a shy entry level ICS who just now is beginning to laugh with her cubemates and get to know who is who. Retain hope when the super sweet ICS who just started two months ago tells you that the learning curve is about 6 months.
* Alright, enough with the second person.
I started my new Big Girl Job this week, working at the Corporate offices of the same company I have worked at for the last 2 years.
Things I like already: Buying a work wardrobe and expanding said wardrobe (my current look of late has been black with pink accessories. But I am trying to branch out).
Sitting directly across from the water cooler and bathroom. It leaves me constantly curious and a little distracted to see the foot traffic. But I enjoy it, and it’s convenient.
My badge. I may have bought a Coach lanyard from the outlet store to proudly display my eager mug that appears on plastic. I tend to wear this lanyard (card necklace if you will) even after I am off work, like when I am dropping off dry cleaning or picking up dinner. It truly, in every sense of the word, is like a small badge of pride. Because I get to show the world I am part of the work force. I also feel it lends some maturity to me, as I seem to get mistaken for an 18 year old a lot. Maybe it’s my baby face, or my dimples, or my penchant for pink and leopard print, but I am trying to counteract that.
Things I am not too fond of:
Getting up before 6am. Well, that’s when I should be getting up, but typically it ends up being between 6:20 and 6:45 by the time I press the snooze button 4 times. I don’t know if I will ever get used to getting up early (I am NOT a morning person) but I have got to try.
The Deli (cafeteria) is so cheap. I literally have paid $3 for a fatty burrito and a canned drink, and $2 for a chicken breast and rice. It is redic, and makes it too easy to go down and get breakfast and lunch.
Thank you all, each and every one of you, for the love and support I have received. All of us experiences self doubt once in awhile, but I feel so supported that it is easy to stand strong!