Monday, February 22, 2010

An Untapped Market

In my new room in Chardin, the door is very very heavy. Probably because it used to be an old folks home and was trying to keep the old people in. JK. But this poses a problem because, as opposed to Bell where I could just prop the door open, now I must keep my door open with a door stop. And I must keep my door open sometimes, like when I want to encourage residents to stop by. Or when Courtney is coming over and I don't wanna drag my butt outta bed.

At any rate, I attempted to search for some cute door stoppers online, but to no avail, as the title suggests. Here is the best I could come up with...

Fred Foot in the Door, $9.50

I don't mind shoes. I used to like them a lot more, but now there are just alright. But this door stopper is a lot cuter than most of the other ones I saw, and has got to be better than what I have now, which is a splinter masquerading as a door jam.

This one is cute too, despite not letting me copy and paste a picture... It's only $13 and looks like a tube of paint. But yah, I'm not thrilled with either, so if anyone finds any cute door stops online (I know, so random, as if), send them my way!


Anonymous Not Your Dad said...

Nice door stopper, and, not to steal any of your thunder, but I'm surprised that you didn't talk about the top news story of the day...The assault on the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, by his wife of three months.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Courtney said...

i almost bought this door stopper. i know a website of creative door stops. ask me about it.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous aunt lennie said...

Whenever I need a door stopper, I just grab the book "War and Peace" off the shelf of my home library and it does the job just fine.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous e.eyre (aka aunt lola) said...

Just stick a sock under your door.

3:28 PM  
Blogger MaidenMeeshie said...

That's too cute!!!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Alyssa said...

I thought this one was cute :)

2:17 PM  

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