Discoveries in Decorating
So when I'm not working, going to salmon hatcheries, or trying to live a healthier lifestyle (plus sleeping and reality TV, duh) I am online looking at and comparing different rooms on decorating websites so that I can finally have a room I like, aesthetics wise. Granted, I am only here 2.5 months out of the year, but it began to bother me that my bedspread is pink, my pillowcases are green, my walls are blue, and nothing matches. I am not the sort of person who believes everything has to match, but a little cohesion would be nice. I want everything in my room to feel like it has earned its spot there.

The first thing I decided was that I think any room picture looks twice as cute and pulled together to me if it has a macbook in it. Weird no?

I love love love that wall paper. That's certainly not a sentence I ever thought I would say, because I am pretty sure wallpaper went out around the same time teased hair did in the 80's, and yet with the oncoming of Snooki and the rest a her Joisey friends, here we are again. Plus, not only do I love the wall paper but I love the huge gilt frame on the wall, that "frames" the wall paper so to speak. Speaking of which, the huge guilt mirror that's as big as the wall in Joe and Teresa's house (if any of you watch Real Housewives of New Jersey)? I sooo want that.
I posted this picture because this is probably more along the lines of the room I could get, if I spent a little more money than I wanted too (that chair and that rug do not look cheap). While I will say the bed is too small, it would be lovely to have a chair in my room once we move the desktop computer out.
My friend Daniella Vallejo (who I have known since Kindergarten, holla)'s parents had a room that I do not remember much about except that: you had to go down a step to get into it, there were big french doors that opened into the backyard, and it was all white. The all white effect, instead of being boring, was quite airy and refreshing, and the room was very clean and calm. The above is my take on their room, with a few more hints of color, but is nontheless soothing.
This is is one of my favorite room designs. Love the hardwood floors. Love the nightstands and the silver lamps (I have found similar items at Ikea that I will most likely purchase for my new room). The part I love the most about this room (besides the luggage under the bed which connotes to me both that the inhabitant is clean but not neurotically clean and also travels) is the bedspread, because it's the part that ties the whole room together for me. Basically, half the battle is finding the perfect bedspread.

This is by far, hands down, my favorite room. That I have seen in my life. And it's not even a bed, but a desk (granted, I am one of those weirdos who actually uses their desk at college for homework, instead of something that holds my printer and all my other junk. But this says a lot about me). You may think this is too much pink, but remember this is the same dream room of someone who wants a Juicy Couture cake for her 21st birthday (hear that friends and family? prep now!). I love the white and the pink, and I love that it still seems fit for a grownup, because pink and white can so easily turn into six year old princess who wants to be a ballerina when she wants to grow up.
I love the clearly french poster in the frame hanging on the wall. I love the delicate tea pot. I love the lamp, the Apple desktop, and the flowers (I think flowers are completely over rated but when done right as in this picture can work). I love the little pink notebook, and the pink cover on iPhone. And the chair.Oh how I love the chair! I lust over this chair, but unfortunately it is like $400 online, undoubtedly uncomfortable seating be darned.
I really could have just written a post about that last pink picture. Meanwhile, this has at least made me want to just paint my walls white and accent with one color like pink, lavender, or blue instead of painting the walls a color.
This is a just a p.s picture to say that these stairs remind of the stairs in the homes in Holland. El fin.
that is my favorite hobby. looking and rooms and planning my wedding.
i hear ya when you say it is impossible to find perfect bedding. i have been looking for new bedding and i ended up settling but i still love it. i ended up getting steve madden's madelyn collection.
This is a nice selection of diverse styles. I also like the one you pointed out as your favorite, it kind of has a "shabby chic" look to it. The first room isn't so bad either which has a "country" look to it. And I'm all for French doors and hardwood floors too!
All rooms should be painted white. Sheets should be white and bed spreads/comforters should be solid colors, preferably blue, brown, or green. Rooms should be minimally decorated, with the extra cash that might have been wasted on throw pillows, shams, or bed skirts, going directly into your wallet.
I was going to say the same thing about the stairs!! And I, too, love that wallpaper :)
Ally this is why we get along so well! We have so much in common! Interior decorating is like my favorite thing in the world (so I'm not sure why I'm a CJ major, haha) I love the 5th picture down since B&W is my fav color scheme! And I love the spiral stair case! Maybe the staircase should be leading up to a loft opening up into the room in the pic! Sweet! I love you Ally! Let's talk decorating sometime :)
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