Friday, March 13, 2009

Girl, lemme holler at you, you so hot hot hot, you think I be hollerin' if you not not not?

Aerie Roll Over Stretch Pant, American Eagle, $19.95

Arie F.I.T Graphic V-Neck Tee, American Eagle, $24.95
Ok, so my first piece of advice when you're watching TV at the gym? Don't watch Oprah. And if you do, don't watch her special visit to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. Guaranteed you will at least get a little teary-eyed sitting there peddling away on the bicycle and then it becomes hard to breathe, and the woman sitting next to you looks at you strangely, even though you look even more strangely at her because she's wearing jeans. At the gym.
Anyways, three weeks ago my friend Courtney and I decided to go to the gym every night before we shower so we could get a little in shape and occasionally I like walking up flights of stairs without getting winded. So every night for two weeks we went five days a week for an hour and I was very proud. We've since dropped off a little, especially since finals week is almost upon us, but I have faith that we will rev right back up again after spring break. And then it'll be back to the elliptical and the bike.
When we first started going, I had to get all the necessary equipment (*cough*sports bra*cough*) and I soon realized that I needed some adequate sweats because the last time I had gone to the gym I had such flooding sweats they verged on capris.
Luckily, I found the above sweats, and they are a godsend. They are very spandex-y so everything gets sucked in. Plus they are one of the few pairs of sweatpants that have ever been long enough. So I love them, and highly recommend them. Oh, and I just think the shirt is cute, and goes with the pants.
Lastly, a mom who shall not be named commented that the comments on the blog have been lacking. Let's prove her wrong shall we? Let's show some comment loving, perhaps your latest key to getting in shape?

* Kiss Kiss, Chris Brown


Blogger MaidenMeeshie said...

I noticed the lack of comments, too. I'm ashamed to admit I am one of those contributing to that :B :( .

Anyhoo, those sweats are very cute. Even the pink on it still looks nice.

Good for you going to the gym! I've never been one for the gym. I don't have an exercise buddy and I refuse to go alone. The only person I know who goes to regularly is Katie, and she's TOO into it. I was doing good with taking walks during my break times at work, but I completely slacked in the last year. And, believe it or not it's actually starting to show...

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some Chris Brown lyrics would of went well with a blog on the latest wifebeaters from Kmart.

I envy your discipline. I have been sporadically exercising with my workout dvds and walking on my treadmill. I need to be more consistent.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I like the workout pants. I never realized how pricey workout clothes were til I had to go shopping for them for my aerobics class. I luckily found some deals at Kohls. I did however find some great pants, similiar to the ones your showing, at Target for shorties like me. Way to go Boo! Keep up the good work!

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want those sweatpants.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great that you exercise with someone else--sometimes that's the way to go, so you both can encourage one another and not be tempted to quit.
I have a Gazelle Glider which I exercise on for 30 minutes everday. Sometimes I do it in the early morning, before I shower and get ready for work, and it's cold so I would love to have a pair of those sweatpants!

10:14 AM  

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