Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cities I Am Considering Living In Post College (A Rough Draft)

Even though I'm only a sophomore undergrad, I've been thinking a lot where I might live in two years, when it comes time to start my career... Grad school will come down the line, after I've established a stable income to pay off student loans (so I'll be going back when I'm 80), or perhaps directly after depending on whether I get a job, in which case the schools will also influence the place I live.

  • Issaquah, Washington: Costco corporate headquarters are here, and I would not hate working there right out of college. In fact, I'd probably love it. Plus, Issaquah is a lot quieter than Seattle, which is something I crave, even as a young person.
  • Garden Grove, CA: Costco has regional offices here, and I feel that Garden Grove has cheaper real estate than a lot of other parts of California. Plus it would be nice to be near family again.
  • Lexington, Kentucky: This came up in my search of the top places to live post-graduation, as a great place for single people to live in. That probably means it is not a great place for me to live, given my degree of social ability, but I think it would just be wild to live somewhere completely apart from everyone as an adult. Plus I feel it's enough in the south to be Southern, but not entirely.
  • Chicago, Illinois: I know a lot of people who would not mind living here at some point in their lives, some who even go to this school. I feel like it would be an appropriate mix of social life and chic and metropolitan, yet not too large.
  • Wichita, Kansas: I know you're probably thinking, "What is wrong with this girl?". But really, I would love nothing more than to live on Main Street, U.S.A and not know a soul and eat lots of barbecue (surprise) and write and take pictures and have a 40 hour a week day job. Plus if I could just get the Boeing hook up, I feel they have work there as well. I would even overlook the fact that Kansas is landlocked, despite the fact that it would be optimal that my future home is near an ocean (since I grew up so close to it), or at least have a coast I could drive to.

Ok, I know these are some "of course" cities and some surprises (I normally would not consider a city that got particularly hot or cold in summer or winter, but it's going to be hard to be picky since I'll basically go anyplace that will give me a job, imma be real). I guess we'll just have to see where life takes me.


Anonymous e.eyre (aka aunt lola) said...

Sweetie, you do not want to live in Garden Grove. Former coworker Andy referred to it as "garbage grove" and I kinda have to agree with that. Are you going to be able to handle Chicago winters and their Africa hot summers? These are things to consider.

5:08 AM  
Anonymous aunt lennie said...

Uncle Scott and I were hoping you would attend graduate school at SDSU or USD so we could live vicariously through you.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Courtney said...

what about State College, Pennsylvania? that's where I'll be.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Boogs said...

I love your sense of independence and wonder. Your Aunti Adri's advice.....don't move out til after you finish grad school, continue your summer employment with Costco, then move wherever you want. Hopefully, by then the economy will have improved and you will have finished grad school faster by not having costly living expenses and 40hr. work weeks. But I know you'll be fine in whatever you decide.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Alyssa said...

Sweet Ally, I cannot allow you to think that living in Kentucky is a good idea. It isn't. Save yourself, and if you are wanting to experience the east, try Cincinnati, OH or somewhere like that :)

10:10 AM  

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