Be the first! You know you want to!
OK ya'll. I was nice about it. I said send me some mail because I would be super appreciative. Ask and you shall receive and all that jazz.
I've been at school for four weeks now and no mail. And you never realize how much you miss mail until you're putting it into everyone's mailbox but yours.
But you know what? I know people are busy. As I told my dad two nights ago , "people have lives and jobs to attend to". I for one have such a complicated schedule that is composed into a color coded spreadsheet that my friend Courtney said it hurt her head to look at. And my dad conceded that it was organized. I get that.
So I decided to up the stakes. While I was at Fred Meyer this past Monday, I bought a mailer, a card, a reading light, and obtained a laptop mouse. And I have stamps from last year.
So here's the deal: The first person to get a written piece of mail to me at school gets this prize mailed back to them. Magazines or junk mail don't count, it has to be a letter or package or something.
And just in case those clever people who read this blog happen to live on campus and think they can just send me some inter-campus mail, I am too smart for you! Because inter-campus mail does not count. It has to have actual postage on it!
The race is on!
I've been at school for four weeks now and no mail. And you never realize how much you miss mail until you're putting it into everyone's mailbox but yours.
But you know what? I know people are busy. As I told my dad two nights ago , "people have lives and jobs to attend to". I for one have such a complicated schedule that is composed into a color coded spreadsheet that my friend Courtney said it hurt her head to look at. And my dad conceded that it was organized. I get that.
So I decided to up the stakes. While I was at Fred Meyer this past Monday, I bought a mailer, a card, a reading light, and obtained a laptop mouse. And I have stamps from last year.
So here's the deal: The first person to get a written piece of mail to me at school gets this prize mailed back to them. Magazines or junk mail don't count, it has to be a letter or package or something.
And just in case those clever people who read this blog happen to live on campus and think they can just send me some inter-campus mail, I am too smart for you! Because inter-campus mail does not count. It has to have actual postage on it!
The race is on!
I feel bad that I never have written you at school or sent you a care package.
damn I was like hell yeah inter-campus mail. I'll win for sure.
Okay okay!! I'll get on it! Sheesh! ;)
I hang my head in shame :(
It's on its way! :)
Keep up with the times. With e-mail, texting, etc., snail mail is just not practical anymore. I'm sure that your dad would rather talk to you and bring you a care package (of healthy snacks) in person. He sounds like one of those hands on kinds of guys.
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