Monday, May 26, 2008

An Update on Gladiator Shoes

Ok, OK. I know I griped about gladiator shoes. But when I saw these on Urban Outfitters' website, I gasped aloud. Because if these are considered gladiator shoes, then I can kinda jump on the trend a little because these are actually pretty cute and I love the color. Very summer-y. Which, by the way, you should all know, is my permanent mood/mindset. No more dreary winter, it's all about flip flops and tank tops and pedicures and grilling on the BBQ! Btw, every day I smell someone BBQing, and my mouth salivates and I have to close my window to keep from weeping. True story! Anyways, the point, if all gladiator shoes were this cute, I wouldn't hate them so much!

Only (!) $29.99


Anonymous Anonymous said...

$30 for shoes that have very little material and made by Indonesians for $1 a day? Keep your money and do your homework!

6:24 AM  

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