Listening to the Happy Feet Soundtrack
This soundtrack makes me feel happy, and almost makes me forget about the studying I should be doing or the research on London I could be doing, or the research on Morocco/Africa I could be doing, almost. But I mean, I've been in a pretty great mood latley. I mean watch, now that I've said that I'll probably jinx it. As I haven't really signed on right now to blog about any specific thing, let me describe the Perfect Day that I had on Saturday:
I woke up at about 12:30. I know, late right? But I think it's just my body telling me that I am suffering from a severe lack of sleep, which I already knew. I'm amazed my parents let me sleep that long, and even then they said that if they hadn't woken me up then I proabably would have slept much later. But I'm glad they did wake me because otherwise I would not have had a perfect day. We had these really great sandwhiches from this BBQ place near our house, which I had been craving for awhile. We all took quick showers, and then we were off to the northgate mall. I've only been there once before Saturday, but it's a pretty nice (if small) mall in Seattle. Unfortunatley I can rarely go into the mall without buying anything and it was no exception then. I bought something in the first store! I got two pairs of shoes from Payless, cuz it was BOGO (Buy one, Get one) and I couldn't resist. I got this cute pair of blue patent flats (as shown) :],
as well as these cute pair of peeptoe lace mules (I hate that word in reference to shoes, but I dislike the word pumps also, but that's neithor here nor there :]) that I'm wearing with my Christmas outfit. Then I went to the Gap and decided to get these really cute tights, and a turtleneck that goes with my Christmas eve outfit (yes, I have already planned out all my outfits from the 21st to the 26th) (see, all this shopping wasn't completely unuseful!), which required me to use my debit card for the first time. Ladies and gents, let me tell you, this is a dangerous thing to do because once you start its hard to stop. For instance, the other purchase I made later, ( a really cute, couture skirt black skirt from this excellent store called Romy) was also purchased on my debit card. And since I can even use my debit card online, I shudder to think what damage I could do. :]]]]]]] But I'm going to have to curb my spending because I do have to save for car insurance after all. Once we arrived home, it was every person for themselves as far as dinner went, so I made one of my new favorite foods, Ramen. Cheap and delicious. That's my kinda food. And best of all, its warm,which is good for our neck a the woods. Then for dessert, I had a Cinnabon, then played Disney princess UNO with my brother, a perfect ending to a perfect day :]]]]]
As a final sidenote, I would just like to add that Dane Cook is fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnyyyyy.
I just finished wathcing his comedy central special which I purchased on iTunes, and was laughing so hard tears streamed down my face, actual tears.
I woke up at about 12:30. I know, late right? But I think it's just my body telling me that I am suffering from a severe lack of sleep, which I already knew. I'm amazed my parents let me sleep that long, and even then they said that if they hadn't woken me up then I proabably would have slept much later. But I'm glad they did wake me because otherwise I would not have had a perfect day. We had these really great sandwhiches from this BBQ place near our house, which I had been craving for awhile. We all took quick showers, and then we were off to the northgate mall. I've only been there once before Saturday, but it's a pretty nice (if small) mall in Seattle. Unfortunatley I can rarely go into the mall without buying anything and it was no exception then. I bought something in the first store! I got two pairs of shoes from Payless, cuz it was BOGO (Buy one, Get one) and I couldn't resist. I got this cute pair of blue patent flats (as shown) :],

As a final sidenote, I would just like to add that Dane Cook is fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnyyyyy.
I just finished wathcing his comedy central special which I purchased on iTunes, and was laughing so hard tears streamed down my face, actual tears.
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